Dark Souls is the best game of all time. The last third is garbage, but eh.
Bloodborne second.
Super Metroid 4th. Read my new blog to find out what's third.
No, you can't say that about SoTN. While I love that game, reviewing it these days I'd have to give it a 6 or 7/10. It's so flawed, half the systems are broken as shit, and the game fluctuates difficulty all over the place. It has the difficulty curve of an ex Ecstacy abuser's spine.
Aria of Sorrow would be a better pick, or any of the 3DS ones. Super Metroid is the best because its such a consistently surprising yet cohesive game. Although... Hollow Knight might be the new king of the genre.
I honestly feel like Life is Strange has passed the point of being overrated and swung back into underrated. People hate on the dialogue, but have they forgotten how stupid they sounded as teens? Warren was basically me as a teenager, and I want to kill myself every time I see his awkward attempts at flirting.
Look at teens. They don't talk exactly like this because they've made up their own stupid as fuck jargain like every generation does.