Hmm, I had high hopes for this game as well. I have a friend who was a big fan of the rebooted Xcom, but he didn't want to preorder this because he was unsure about how it would turn out. I guess his decision was for the better.
Hmm, I had high hopes for this game as well. I have a friend who was a big fan of the rebooted Xcom, but he didn't want to preorder this because he was unsure about how it would turn out. I guess his decision was for the better.
Guys, guys lets try not to kill each other shall we?
Pretty much every other gaming video on YouTube has to do with minecraft lol.
I see why you would preorder, there are lots of cool games that are gonna be available. Im gonna wait on this next gen though, because the really good games that are $60 and out now will be cheaper then :P and I want to get through all of this gens great games before moving on.
Most people hate the Winnie the Pooh minigame worlds, which is stupid end cause they're the greatest and often most adorable lol. Piglet is still my favorite Disney character in KH.
The only movie reviewer that I follow is jeremyjahns because his reviews are funny and informative and have a better rating system than pretty much anything else for any other medium, it goes from dogsh*t to awesometacular lol and he's really funny. He also does some great game reviews as well.
Wow, it seems like just yesterday when I first heard about it. Man time flies lol.
As a little kid I used to pretento play as a pirate a lot, so hopefully this game'll live up to the fantasy lol.
Darn, that was quick. It looks like the system is gonna start pickin up speed, especially around the holiday season.
Lol sorry, but that game wasn't featured in the Sony press conference I believe. Still looks great though haha.