Its a lot of fun, I think at some point you should get it good sir!
Its a lot of fun, I think at some point you should get it good sir!
LOL i wouldnt be shocked if there are cops at all the stores on both launch days. If I keep with Amazon on my preorder I wont have to worry about leaving the house. Just have to wait for it to be delivered!
There is supposely another leak for Nov 13, It will prolly be like this till they give the excat date which they should have to begin with. I think they will be a week or even a few days apart. Ill be happy when we know what the day to expect it!
I hope you enjoy high school, I hated it with a passion. The only thing I miss about it was I didnt have to have a job or pay bills during those years. It sucks being an adult some times,lol!
My summer will mostly consist of games, reading, working, and spending time with peeps and bf. I will also prolly be half way through being drven mad for the PS4 to released once summer is over. Hope you have a great summer!
I have heard the DLC packs are really good, especially the last one they released. I Plan to get the game for the ps3, I dont have a PC that can run it whihc I hope to change at some point.
I heard his Dark Tower series is amazing, sad the last book wasnt have good as it could of been. I know the feeling though, I have had several great series endings not go good but it didnt ruin the whole thing for me. I agree completely with your journey quote!
I understand that, I prefer having it day 1 but I know a lot of people who are holding out to see what is worth it or not. I see a lot of games I want that are going to PS3 and PS4 but I prefer to have the PS4 verison.
I shall read your new blog soon and leave a comment, today and yesterday have been the first days for me to be able to do a lot game blog wise :)
Ive had connection probs too, i kno your pain :(
I dont think anything could be worse then that, I saw the ending for that watching my lil sister play it. I told my lil sister not to play it but she wouldnt listen,lol.
I bet it did, sadly games are the only medium it would be easy to change an ending which makes it more of a possiability. A movie/tv show we be so much more difficult.