Bane,always knowing what to say! I prefer his coined phrase "I break you!". Simple and to the point. lol.
Bane,always knowing what to say! I prefer his coined phrase "I break you!". Simple and to the point. lol.
I may get an X box 1 too but it'll be after I get a PS4. (We seem agreed on that. lol.) I really want to drive my point home with microsoft.
Feel free to read my recent blog for my thoughts on the whole kabob. lol. It's good microsoft did the right thing but don't forget they had to be strong-armed into it whereas Sony was "consumer friendly" right from the start. Just saying.
What I mean is The Kinect automatically comes with the console,Michael. Aka, you have to have it on account it is bundled in with everything else already. Personally I'm still kinda paranoid about The Kinect's possible affiliation with PRISM & the NSA. I realize I'm coming off as a paranoid conspiracy nut but I rather play it safe than sorry,mate.
All MS has to do now is make the Kinect "optional" and match sony's price. (As well as have more friendly policies in place for indie game developers) All in all,a great comeback!
I think if MS dropped the Kinect (making it optional but not necessary) and lowered the price they'd be neck and neck with Sony at this point. After all that Sony's only other bonuses would be region freedom, a more friendly space for indie games, and slightly better specs. It's good to see MS step up their game regardless! Their hubris from before was killing them quickly. Now they have a fighting chance.
PS: My bad,bra! MS is now region free too! Excellente!
I'm not sold over. But I'm glad microsoft saw the light of reason! It would be tragic if they were completely crushed. Competition keeps things healthy in any industry. It encourages people to create and innovate!
What's messed up is we will have people saying "See? You bitched for nothing! Microsoft came through!" without realizing it was our collective outcry that was the catalyst for the positive change in the first place.
I'm still getting a PS4 first. That stated, glad you "woke the f%ck up", microsoft! Good show! You'll actually have a fighting chance now,gents!
Y'know, that argument holds actual validity and weight. lol.