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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 242

Cary's Pretend Christmas Present Party 2019!

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 04:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Does it look like this?

Or this?

Either way, you'll have to get me a driver for this car on account of I've been blind in my left eye since birth and can't drive a car (that's true).  So who is going to be my driver, huh?

Your pretend present is your very own bookstore.

Cary's Pretend Christmas Present Party 2019!

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 04:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You should give KOF ALL STAR a try!  It's one of the better mobile games I've played.

I've got all my Christmas presents bought and wrapped, so I don't have to worry about last minute shopping.  I do work retail, though, so I know what you mean!  Luckily I work in the plumbing section of a major hardware chain, so I don't have to worry about too many Christmas shoppers.  Most people don't give toilets as presents. :)

Your pretend present is all the LEGOs in the world.  Have fun building!

Cary's Pretend Christmas Present Party 2019!

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 03:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The 'fly through the rings' sections of Bee Simulator are not fun.  The rest of the game is neat, though.  Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the cotton candy machine.  To be honest, in real life I can't stand cotton candy, though.  But then, I don't really eat sweets very much anyway.

Your pretend present is also a cotton candy machine, but it's a special magical machine that makes cotton candy that gives you super strength when you eat it!

Four Games Played

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 03:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I got to the end boss of Yooka-Laylee and stopped.  The camera angles and controls were just too loosey goosey.  Plus I couldn't beat the casino boss because it's entirely on a mine cart and I hate those stages.  The casino world is the only interesting world, too.  I think Yooka-Laylee could've been a lot better had it had more time in the oven.  I do hope to get the 2-D sequel for Christmas, though.

New NES/SNES games coming to Switch Online Tomorrow.

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 03:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Most of those are already on my SNES Mini.  I wish I had more time to play games, because then I would sink my teeth into Breath of Fire 1 and 2.  I rented them both back in the day.

Death Stranding

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 03:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My brother Jeff tells me about this game all the time lately.  He doesn't own it, but watches videos of people playing it.  He's a fan of Metal Gear so I think that's why he's interested in it.

Zombie Vikings and Starlink

Posted on 12/12/2019 at 03:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You do stay in the ship always.

Zombie Vikings and Starlink

Posted on 12/10/2019 at 02:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The spaceships fit better on the Switch controllers, but I did have to move the Star Fox ship's wings a bit so they wouldn't hit my thumbs!

Zombie Vikings and Starlink

Posted on 12/10/2019 at 02:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's not.  Trust me.  I've played them both.

About that Nintendo Switch Subscription

Posted on 12/08/2019 at 08:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The Switch onine service lets you play online games, save on clouds, and play NES and SNES games.  I didn't get it at first because playing Smash online didn't draw me in enough to pay 20 bucks for.  However, once Super Mario Maker 2 came out, they had a version you could get where the subscription was 10 bucks off.  So I got that and the subscription for just ten bucks.  Not bad.  I think you can get a hard copy of Tetris 99 with that same discount as well.  

You don't have to pay extra for NES and SNES games.  You just pull up the program and play whatever games you want from a menu that's like an online version of the NES and SNES Minis.  It's pretty neat except you always have to be online to play them.  That's my only gripe.

I would say that the online service isn't bad for only ten bucks, but half the time I play a round of Tetris 99, I get kicked out.  Come on, Nintendo, it's just Tetris, it shouldn't be that hard.  I bet my Tetris 99 online ranking would be MUCH higher if it worked better.  Also I heard most other online games are laggy as well.  So yeah, lots of room for improvement.  I definitely wouldn't pay more than ten bucks for this.

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