That's probably a pretty good comparison. It's definitely a hybrid game that has a lot of different things in it.
That's probably a pretty good comparison. It's definitely a hybrid game that has a lot of different things in it.
The trombone is definitely the best part, mainly because it almost doesn't fit in with the rest of the instruments, yet it works! The guitar takes off and does its worst, then the whole song calms down, and the trombone comes in carrying the melody. That's awesome!
I grew up more on the SNES, but I'm trying to get more into NES games (and I do own the system). I'll give it a try, but I imagine I'll do pretty bad.
No kidding! Sonic games these days are hit and miss. I'm afraid if Ristar did come back in a new game, it might be awful.
Yeah, the grabbing mechanic is cool and it works well. I hope you get the chance to play it; it's a lot of fun.
As far as point and click games go, I loved the Phoenix Wright games, which were part point and click, part puzzle, part awesome! The stories were deep and intriguing, and those are really the only point and click mystery type games I ever got into. But good mystery stories, like this one, always intrigue me.
You gotta finish it! It's not a long game, and the final battle is pretty cool. And like I said, I really enjoyed the ending too.
Hey, it's all about your personal preference. If you like speed, there's sonic; but Ristar is just as "cool" as Sonic, and his one game competes with those old sonic games. After all, this game was made by Sonic Team.
You've got to check it out if you get the chance. It's a great game. It's sad that it's forgotten and overlooked, whereas Sonic is always praised.
Wily's Castle from MM2 is a good one. I suppose hope is kind of the running theme of epic songs. Once again, I can't pin down for sure what makes a song epic, but most the time it's that hopeful heroic feeling you get from it.