Painkiller: Black Edition. Most of the expansions suck, and Hell and Damnation leaves some really good levels out despite looking excellent.
Painkiller: Black Edition. Most of the expansions suck, and Hell and Damnation leaves some really good levels out despite looking excellent.
Whoa... they look fucking dreadful!
As do I, my friend. As do I.
Hells to the yes!
Bahaha. Duke Nukem isn't as bad as everyone says. There's like... one bit I actually really enjoyed? The rest of what I played sucked though.
You have to have Duke 3D on your pc, then you just download it and install. It's a much better way to play.
Your game looks awesome extremely intriguing.
I'm doing swell. Thank you for asking.
I honestly don't get why a lot of Zelda fans rag on this game. It's fucking awesome, and genuinely creepy in places.
Duke Nukem 3D was that game I wasn't allowed to play so I had to go to a friends place to play. If you want to play it today, you should downloaad duke plus. It gives the game better graphics, better sound and better controls. It's a must for Duke Nukem fans.
The first level of Timesplitters 2 is set at a dam. Yeah, the Goldeneye influences are there and strong, seeing as it's some of the goldeneye devs making it.