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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 244

Top Tier List

Posted on 12/01/2019 at 01:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Most of the consoles I've bought weren't for one game, but for the promise of more chances to review games for it in the future.  Either that or I got the system as a present.  So I'll just list my favorite game for each console I've owned.  

Atari 5200: Pengo

Apple ][+: Spare Change

Arcade: Pac-Man (duh) I own one.

80s PC: Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

NES: The Legend of Zelda

SNES: Final Fantasy 6

90s PC: Lemmings and Jazz Jackrabbit

N64: Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie

Game Boy: Link's Awakening

Game Boy Color: Link's Awakening DX and Wario Land 2

NEO GEO Pocket Color: SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash

PSOne: Namco Museum vol. 1 to 5

PS2: Ratchet and Clank series

GameCube: Animal Crossing (but Smash Melee, Metroid Prime, and Kirby Air Ride are so good)

Dreamcast: Marvel vs. Capcom 2

GBA: Astro Boy: Omega Factor

DS: Phoenix Wright series

3DS: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Wii: Wii Sports

PS3: DuckTales Remastered

Xbox 360: Soul Calibur 4 and 5 and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts N Bolts

PSP: Loco Roco

Vita: Gravity Rush

Wii U: Splatoon

PS4: Ys 8

Switch: Nintendo Labo

iPad: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Five Games Played

Posted on 11/30/2019 at 09:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That's cool about Xbox Rewards.  I always thought they should do that with achievement points when I got my 360.

Happy Thanksgiving! Thinking About Christmas

Posted on 11/29/2019 at 09:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't mind turkey, but it's such a dry meat that I prefer it mixed with something, like a sandwich or a salad.  Just plain by itself is one of the blandest meats ever.  Luckily we serve ham as well, and I usually get more of that.

Those are neat Christmas Skylanders.

Played a Bunch on Xbox

Posted on 11/29/2019 at 09:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't imagine KH3 going on Game Pass anytime soon, but then, I don't have an Xbox One, so I don't know much about Game Pass anyway.

1992 Japanese F-Zero Novel

Posted on 11/26/2019 at 09:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You've never played an F-Zero game?  I've played all the ones that were released in the US (Japan got an extra GBA game and the 64DD add-on).  I also played the F-Zero arcade game once.

Did you know there was an F-Zero anime cartoon that was on Saturday mornings in the US for a while?

I think the weirdest example of a video game getting a novel is Xevious.

I'm starting Persona 5 this week... 100 hours OMG!

Posted on 11/25/2019 at 09:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

100 hour long games might've appealed to me back in high school, but it's a definite 'no' for me now.  

KH3 is very good!

Posted on 11/24/2019 at 09:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Gameplay-wise, I like some of the things they implemented in Birth By Sleep and the 3DS one.  But as far as worlds go, KH2 and KH3 are great.  I tried the mobile game for a little bit.  It wasn't that hot.

I'm pretty sure I'm on IGN's side

Posted on 11/24/2019 at 09:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't even have a Twitter account.  I probably should, but I just don't have the time or much interest to mess with it.

Oh My Gohma

Posted on 11/23/2019 at 09:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

A lot of times in Zelda games, especially the 3-D Zeldas, boss fights weren't that hard once you know the trick.  They're more like puzzles than anything.  But it's also why I usually looked forward to boss battles in Zelda games.  They were fun to beat.

While Waiting for Borderlands Update

Posted on 11/23/2019 at 09:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I reviewed the NInjago movie game when the movie came out.  The cool thing is that they also sent me movie tickets to see it.  It's like they knew I wasn't planning on seeing the movie, so they were like, 'well now you have to.'

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