I paid $14 for star ocean and what i played of it when i had it its very good its the prequel to all the others.
I paid $14 for star ocean and what i played of it when i had it its very good its the prequel to all the others.
lol yea its a little confusing at first especially since im use to skyrim.
I was actually surprised it plays on my new xbox slim, of course when i was in the store i looked up if it was compatable and everyone said it was so i nabbed it, last copy to it wasnt GOTY versiin but for $11 bucks it was all good.
Yes its good so far im use to voices not alot of reading but its still good so far.
Yea i have to agree half of the fun of the dark souls series is mystery not knowing makes it very original and if you can be one of the few to actually beat the game the story does become more clear.
Yes they do and golf and tennis are really the only sports games i play and of course F1 is awesome to.
Planking how stupid was that lol, now its the Harlem Shake and who knows whats next maybe shoe balancing on your head who knows lol, could you imagine being at the pearly gates of heaven having to explain to god you died planking lol just dumb.
They have a hands on preveiw on xbox live IGN you all should check it out, it looks as good as the first one and just as tough, looks like it will stomp on you, then hand you your ass in a sack lol, looks great. and is high on my to get list as well.
It looks awesome I hope they stick to the Darksouls formula and stays true, if so this may be a GOTY contender and I cant wait to see how it evolves.
I was into the series when it was on the ps2 and then when it came to next gen consoles. I lost interest in the series mainly cause i wasnt scared,it just wasnt scary like the older ones and being I played the fatal frame series and then came Alan Wake they just didnt hold up,with that said i know nothing of the latest intro,s so maybe i need to see what im missing.