And yet another game I hope to get sometime
And yet another game I hope to get sometime
I did! It's on my PSP collection. But I'm stuck on the boss of the fifth level He's the demon-dragon guy that has two swords and walks along the ground shooting those fire pillars out of the ground. I don't think I upgraded my weapon enough, so I might have to start over.
I think I have this on a Capcom collection for PSP. I should try it out. Sounds fun! I hope the version I have lets you use infinite continues though.
I just listen to podcasts while driving too and from work, so I don't have a lot of time. The Giant Bombcast is therefore indeed intimidating with its length. My favorite podcast is Retronauts. The most recent one is about Yasumi Matsuno (of Ogre Battle and FF Tactics fame) and is really interesting. I also usually listen to the Touch Arcade show each week, but that's only interesting if you like iOS games. I've listened to NWP off and on but haven't recently. I should give it another go. I was following Backloggers Anonymous, though, until Asura's Wrath and will probably pick it up again after that run finishes. I really liked Digital Mystery Tour but I guess it didn't prove popular enough But there are definitely way more cool podcasts out there than anyone can actually listen to.
Cool beans. Looking forward to seeing what they are. And a three week month? Man, that would make paying rent again so soon just brutal
Unless they were really good deals, in which case we'll call that a good thing
The other games are easily worth, you know, whatever you'd choose to pay
I've never heard of puking being a happy ending, but I'm glad there was no concussion. Hopefully soon there will be no puking soon too.
As for the game collection thing, I don't know how many websites are out there for keeping track of one's collection, but I use Backloggery and I'd love to see some sort of integration here for that. I really don't want to put in the same information for new games at two different places.
You have an adorable cat. She looks so soft!