Oh yeah. Well... I really do suck at maths :p
Oh yeah. Well... I really do suck at maths :p
I've yet to play Stranger's Wrath. I'll need to remedy this soon.
Damn, the last joke didn't work because I suck at roman numerals. It's ffvii not xii. Final Fantasy 7, not 12. God I'm an idiot sometimes.
I liked Munch's bits, but hated Abe's. In all honesty, they'd have been better just not including Abe.
I actually finished FFXIII. I'd just been fired from my job and I'd broken up with my girlfriend, so I had nothing else to do really. I pretty much caught up to a generation of gaming in a couple of months, as there was no point looking for a job as I'd be going to college in like 3 months.
There's only five games on this list, unless you count th joke entries, and there were three in this article which would make 8... I'm confused...
Google the first game's story and jump into the second part of XIII if you want to experience it. The first game has a 20 hour tutorial that is the most linear and boring thing you'll ever play. The second one opens up from the get go, it's more fun and there's more exploration.
I haven't played Chrono Trigger :p. I was also joking about Halo and FFVII.
That's my experience with Borderlands 2 summed up entirely.
Have you tried the Burial at Sea DLC? Apparently it's not half bad.
Agree 100%! I enjoyed it, it just disappointed me.
Yeah, it really is a quality over quantity, and while city had some solid moments, Asylum was just FAR more consistent.
I'm playing at the moment. A little disappointed that there's no other weapons though, and REALLY disappointed with the plot. It's so uninteresting, apart from some cool lore bits.