I think you meen eXtreeeme!
I think you meen eXtreeeme!
You're missing some crazy stuff but it works as a good first issue.
AoT gets pretty hectic and the end is just begging for more, it's not even funny.
I haven't used the Steam music player yet, i'll get round to it.
I feel bad-ass in it
I keep hearing that, despite the obvious flaws in design and execution (both in regards for story) but many have genine fun, especially in multiplayer.
It'll be my first DW game then, Soon, my Wii U will come.
I'm in the process of watching season 3, i'm sure it'll be good.
My childhood only sucked when I became a teenager, The 90s ruled!
But technically Tidus is "Dead", he isn't really alive let alone real just an imperfect memory to my understanding, one of the reasons why no one mentions him by name.
X is a prequel? Damn and childrens underwhere kinda peodophilia is this?!
Being drained of motivation, I feel ya.
The only problem I have with work is all the merchandising I have to do, because we are understaffed and the store is going through a product rage change we have to do extra work to keep standards up. I volunteered because I had to change an entire section on my own So I felt obligated. it's keeping me till late at night. If I had a life this would be a problem. O Well.
I thought that X parasite "The Thing" comparison was obvious? I guess i'm just ahead of the curve