I appreciate the double D's Tami . For some reason the T's annoy me more than most.
Oh, and yay for the Saw Doctors! Fair play!
I appreciate the double D's Tami . For some reason the T's annoy me more than most.
Oh, and yay for the Saw Doctors! Fair play!
Fair play to you for going to the effort of fixing the 360. I hope it works out with minimal annoyances.
Being from a small Irish town in the very south west of the country, my childhood friends could never be described as "diverse", however, I'm not dumb enough to think for a second that any particular race/people is superior to any other. Common sense dictates that. I would never apologize for how past generations of whites treated other races, much like I wouldn't expect an Englishman today to apologize for his ancestors, or a German for his. Holding onto grudges is needless and even worse when the person is not directly involved.
Not a race thing, but I was talking to a friend of a friend in a bar about a month back and he mentioned he still calls Germans he meets "Nazi's" to their faces. I told him outright it was the dumbest fucking thing I'd ever heard and hopefully some of the discussion that followed sank in.
At the end of the day, whether white, black, brown, yellow or just tan, all races contain assholes, all races contain vocal minorities and all races need to realise that we're all just human so stop being so socially retarded.
This one's pretty short anyway so it won't take too much effort to knock it off the ol' backlog. I would say give the game a chance once you start. I remember my first impression of the combat was poor but once I got a handle on things, it's quite enjoyable
Guacamelee is difficult in parts but it is fair and controls great. You should check it out if you get the chance. The music and atmosphere of the game are great too.
I'll definitely pick up South Park after a price cut. I just can't stomach $60 for something i'll probably only play through once. Everything i've seen looks amazing though. I'm thrilled it turned out so well. I was not confident it would due to all the delays and whatnot.
I had the exact same experience as you from the original Halo to Halo 2. My buddies and I played Halo religiously for more than a year. We tried speed runs on every level, found every secret/glitch on the levels and just played around with the games physics to explode each other to higher locations. Such a great game. We were so comfortable by the end that even legendary wasn't much of a challenge. Then for whatever reason, Halo 2 came along and my initial excitement was quenched quick. Like you state, the campaign levels were just not as interesting and the competitive multiplayer just didn't hold my attention. I know it's loved and most prefer it to the original, but Halo 2 may be my biggest gaming disappointment ever.
We used to have a Forbidden Planet in Cork but it shut down since I left I believe. I loved browsing around even though the Magic players used to give me dirty looks for some reason. They had some Warhammer sets out too which were awesome.
Congrats! I'm trying to get fitter myself. It's difficult to break out of a habit but motivation is a powerful thing. Good luck!
I think Matt might be onto something. I completely agree with you though. Seems senseless to me too