Believe it! (Thumbs up)
Believe it! (Thumbs up)
Hee,hee,hee! (Unconcealed gleeful troll face)
Hillary has heart. To tolerate a marriage like she has with Bill requires dedication and steal nerves. lol. It's funny, but I have a feeling she would be a good president. Of course I kind of thought the same thing about Obama so I'm not the best judge of character. (Though thank the divine we didn't have to endure Mitt Romney's reign of terror!)
Many say Mackey was "more likable" on retronauts,Anon. Sadly, I cannot confirm that from personal experience. However, the show itself was structured around revering older games so it had a more positive premise from the get-go. Aka, I'm sure "retronauts Mackey" was a more happy,pleasant, and serene indvidual than "Papparazo femi-nazi flame-bait Mackey".
Anon,you are dangerous,bro! Stop dat "thinking stuff" you do! Why you such a rebel? Go with the flow,Joe! Give me your money! (Just kidding. lol.)
I know, I was being a sarcastic snark,gigantor. lol. I'm pro PS4 100%!
Good one,Andrew. lol. Fatality indeed. Not to mention co-co-combo breaker! Granted KI is theoretically on the Xbone but I have a feeling ms will not be able to hang on to exclusives for long. Developers and publishers are going to jump overboard like rats fleeing the sinking Titanic.
I wonder if microsoft is going to try to spin a "We're America! Patriotism,fuck yeah! Support the X-Bone!" angle. Anyone going to buy that spew? Anybody? C'mon, what about uber realistic "collar duty" dog?! He's man's best friend! And and....that Halo show by Spielberg......Anybody? Didn't think so. Thank the divine "sanity" prevailed!
Amen,Brian. lol. I totally agree with you and I own a 360. That should tell you something.
Sony/PS4: Hadoken!!!!
Xbone/Moneysoft: no,no,NO! (hits ground with a smacking sound)