Ha! ha! ha! Your snark is justified,sony. Thanks for the laughs and good cheer!
Ha! ha! ha! Your snark is justified,sony. Thanks for the laughs and good cheer!
Ah, some feminists are cool. I've just had negative experiences with a lot of close-minded ones,Celt. I could say the same of Christians too but I've met some really forgiving,kindhearted,and Christ-like Christians as well. I think Micheal wrote a lot of wisdom when he said there are jerks in all groups. But hey, the same applies to "good people" in those groups as well.
Still, I get pissed when people try to attach nasty labels to me simply based upon what games I like. People exhibiting such child-like behavior shouldn't be allowed to be paid professionals.
Some of Mackey's articles are pretty good. I just cannot stand the guy when he goes into "hyper white-knight activist mode". Also, I'd be more willing to forgive the bloke had he taken the debate to me personally instead of organizing a troll raid to come after me behind my back. It's difficult to honor someone who has no honor. (And I'm self aware of my own hypocrisy now that I'm talking behind his back. Don't you love human nature? lol.)
Anyway, it's ironic and bittersweet Bob & I learned to love many of the same games growing up. I guess that makes us a messed up ying yang symbol when we come together. lol.
I think the biggest problem with college-grown radical feminists is they think they have the right to speak for everyone. Aka, they don't seem to realize many women are comfortable with their bodies, comfortable with being sexy, and even comfortable with fan-service in video-games.
I know there are also pro-sex feminists and this probably creates a divide within the movement itself. (Because quite a few feminists still use "slut shaming" as a psychological warfare tactic.)
As for Anita, I would have respected her stance more if she had been a true gamer. The only reason she bought and played a bunch of games was to serve her own ends. Had she done it for fun and personal enjoyment I imagine her outlook would have been much more positive. Aka, based even on her own assessment she was looking for negativity in games as a primary goal. Talk about having a preconceived negative perception when jumping into gaming for the first time!
I wouldn't even have minded if Mackey came onto my blog directly to debate the things I wrote. My biggest beef was him organizing a hate posse behind my back to troll me. He showed one of my blogs to Twink (The Princess Of Misandry. Hey, her choice of a title,not mine!) knowing what her reaction would be. (Aka, extremely negative) Then Twinkie spread that blog around Bo-news.
Finally after all my friends pretty much told Bob he was being unprofessional he finally gave me a snide reply. (And by that point folks from Bo-news already were doing drive by trollings.)
In the end Jeremy Parish stepped in and apologized. Not that Jeremy was to blame but I think it was his way of showing goodwill and smoothing over a volatile situation.
Any "non-believers" can simply visit my old blog on 1up,Alejandro. It's all there! (Then again, I believe you were there as well. I didn't even need to repeat this,heh. The excitement of E3 has me soft headed!)
Based on my knowledge retronauts was more positive in general. Aka, it was simply the 1up staff talking nostalgically about old school games. If you base your perception on Mackey only on that I can see why you had no problems with the guy.
That is weird. lol. Did that "swap team players" or something?
There's corpse fucking in the hidden Krypt areas. You also eat babies when beating story mode with Shao Kahn! No,not really. Sorry if I got your hopes up,mate. lol.
But yeah, MK's violence is the comical over the top juvenile variety. If God Of War equates to "Game Of Thrones" MK is more like "Army Of Darkness".
Not just you. Without FF4 & FF6 I don't think I would be the same person I am now. As for Kingdom Hearts? It didn't have as much impact on my personal development but I still appreciated it! One of my nxt psp purchases will probably be Birth By Sleep.
Killer Instinct doth indeed tempt my soul but it will not make me sign the Devil's contract either,Aaron. Well played! Your humanity points are preserved!