I was 1. I'm just talking about games released That year I played growing up.
I was 1. I'm just talking about games released That year I played growing up.
It wasn't great and the long term consequnces are not worth it.
I actually couldn't stand LttP as a kid. The fantasy aesthetic was a huge turn off and something I found too nerdy .. Yup.
I like both but world wins for nostalgia alone with me.
I only ever beat MM2 robots on normal. I'm weak.
I miss blockbuster for games mostly. I still don't consider there to be an equivalent in terms of selection and convenience.
My friends were weirded out by something that happens but I really liked it. Great visuals and cute love story. Some allegory about misfits and such. Don't take your parents to it.
I don't know if I've ever spotted a celebrity or team in an airport. Nice.
Switch I have the same issue with. I want it until I think about cost and the fact there's only a couple games I want.