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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 269

My stupid game backlog. Guys I need help please...

Posted on 01/12/2014 at 07:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 Out of that list I'd say Dishonored because it's awesome but short. Seriously, the world building in that game is phenomenal.


Posted on 01/12/2014 at 03:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 Firstly, don't ever apologise for having a life. Sure, we missed you, but have fun! 

 Secondly: Game of Thrones. I don't think George likes suffering as much as he likes vulnerability, suspense and an extreme sense of justice. Characters die so you are concerned for other characters and invested in them more than you usually would be. Also, every character dies for a reason. Either their ideoligies don't exist in the world (Ned), they made really foolish mistakes (Rob), or they tried to impose power that they hadn't the right to (Danaerys' brother.) It also has real characters. In the show, Joffrey is the sum of all evil, but in the books he's more sympathetic. He's a spoilt brat who gained extreme amounts of power at a vulnerable age, and at a vulnerable time. He recently found out his entire existence might be a lie, that he might have no real right to the throne, and that his uncle is his father. That's gotta fuck a kid up. 

 It's the same with everyone. They all have beliefs, some good, some evil, but their actions all fall somewhere in between. That's what I really like about the series. 

 Oh, and I just bought the series for my grandmother. She just finished the first book and loves it :)

Blake's Top 10 of 2013

Posted on 01/12/2014 at 12:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 Oh yeah, Dishonored is amazing. I just finished that yesterday. The law and world of the game is brilliant!

Plus10Damages TOP 10 OF 2013!

Posted on 01/12/2014 at 12:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I disagree with everything Travis ever says purely out of principle :p

Plus10Damages TOP 10 OF 2013!

Posted on 01/11/2014 at 08:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 Fair enough I guess. Wow, that's a pretty strong moral code you've got there.

Got My Batman a few days ago.

Posted on 01/10/2014 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 Holy shit that beard. I want it! I've only just started growing one and it's kinda pathetic. Yours is makling mine fall out out of jealousy! Also sweet Dimmu Borgir shirt. They are a shadow of their former self imo but their old stuff is amazing!

 Oh, and congrats on winning origins! YOU DA MAN!

The most stressful game I have ever played, and more.

Posted on 01/10/2014 at 06:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Still haven't played cookie clicker, it seems to be devouring too many lives right now...

Plus10Damages TOP 10 OF 2013!

Posted on 01/10/2014 at 06:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I personally didn't like it, but everyone else at the site did, so maybe you will?

Plus10Damages TOP 10 OF 2013!

Posted on 01/10/2014 at 05:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Go play the games on my list. Also play Bioshock Infinite. While I don't at all like the shooting mechanics, it is a wonderful experience. Just don't play it on hard or the enemies are bullet spongey as hell.

Plus10Damages TOP 10 OF 2013!

Posted on 01/10/2014 at 05:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 Let me know when you finished it! I want to know how you feel then!

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