Cooking: life's cooking minigame.
Cooking: life's cooking minigame.
I just bought GR remastered and GR 2 and I dig them, but there are some annoying moments where I'll run into things without meaning to, miss air kicks (TO HELL WITH SWORDFISH NEVI) and combat is either too easy or infuriating. I hate the fetch quests, because lifting objects has really poor hit detection.
And yet, I too love the characters/story, and the mechanics are really fun when they work properly.
I jumped into Yakuza with 0 ( and actually rented GR 2 and that earlier this year, so thanks GameFly) and I too am amazed by how fun it is. Only I take it these games are all kinda the same based on veterans' impressions of them.
I was not a big fan of Plague of Shadows, but Spectre of Torment's mechanics made me like it more than the original Shovel Knight.
Yeah, nothing against the state. Never visited, but the one guy I know from there is friendly.
Welll, may we never meet in person, because I am obnoxious as all hell.
Is that an Xbox-only issue though? I mean even if you tell me PS4 does it, I'm going to wonder if that's not just YOUR PS4, but I'm still curious.
That wasn't my experience with Telltale Borderlands either. That one kept me busy, I just wasn't as invested in the story.
I do. Yet at the same time, I'm starting to prefer digital, cause once it finally downloads, you no longer have to pop ANYTHING in. And stuff loads faster than it did on PSX.
You mean mean-spirited humor? I can understand that. I like to think she's not actually mean-spirited, but her stuff has an edge. Abrasive stand-up is definitely not for everyone though.