Im going for the PS4 as well, the PS3 might have not done so well at launch but I personally think they have done well through it life cycle. They released good game exclusives that did highly well and with the PS4 now there improving on their previous mistakes. The next xbox is gonna have to meet with that for competition and making an online only console will certainly not do it. If 1 out of all the rumors come true, i hope its the used game one. While it sucks just like the online only if they went to only allowing new games it wouldnt nessacarly kill them off, they have a pretty big fan base that will accept that but the online only thing I got to say I think would be the end it all button. The lesser of 2 evils pretty much. Nintendo I think is doing well, the Wii U is a good console. I enjoyed having one and plan to re buy it in the future. Of course once all 3 consoles are released we will know how things will stand.