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NSonic79's Comments - Page 278

Community Poll #28

Posted on 08/26/2013 at 01:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Used. I have to make the most of my funds if I want to be able to play a wide assortment of games I'm interested in. Plus when I usually have money for a game I really want it's when the game is already out of print.

If I really, really, really, REALLY want a game then I'll go ahead and buy new. I couldn't wait for Dissidia DuoDecium Final Fantasy 012 to be able to play with my Tifa.

What? Stop looking at me like that!

Episode 14: Community Battle LP

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

what moron submitted that Phantasy Star IV track to this Community Battle!


oh! Right.

Actually I'm waiting for some smarty pants commenter to correct me in saying that the Zio theme wasn't from Phantasy Star IV but from Phantasy Star: The End of the Millenium because technically it wasn't called Phantasy Star IV in the game, only on the boxart.

wait, does that make me the "smarty pants" commenter now.


Moar chiptunes! Hurrah!!!

Final Fantasy XIV: ARR: A fun MMORPG I'll never play again

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can relate. i'm getting geared up for my Halloween Gaming this year and I'm sure playing htis game would take a big chunk out of my game time, let alone my monthly blog write ups features.

Final Fantasy XIV: ARR: A fun MMORPG I'll never play again

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dont' let me stop you! The more the merrier in sharing their FF XIV: ARR beta stories. It'll be just like sitting down at the coffin and coffee to swap quest stories.

I'm glad to see people did speak up about the communcation functions. though I did see most people trying to communitcate with gesture commands it was mostly just to joke around. I only met one or two people actually use the geasture commands in the way they were meant to be used.

didn't know about the timecard function. I might see about that given how I think I'll be doing the same wtih Xbox Live Gold by only buying a month (I don't remember if they still offer that) or a 3 month card and play online as need be. Not sure about the joining up with guilds. I'd prefer to join up with allies on the various game blog sites taht I frequent, if only to keep things consistant. I'm already having a hard time trying to visit PSOWorld and maintaining my allies list on there as well.

Final Fantasy XIV: ARR: A fun MMORPG I'll never play again

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know how you feel Frown. It's a fun game too but I can't just see how I could play it. For now I guess it's just up there with "never play again." At least I was able to experiance it and helped contribute to the beta test by playing it on my B/C PS3 so that's something.

Technicality and The World's End

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

college books are such a steal. I hate when you buy a book then try to sell it back they only give you pennies on the dollar for the book, claiming there is a newer edition yet sell the book they bought from you for almost the same price as a new one! their almost as bad as gamestop!

I loved Shaun of the Dead. I loved Hot Fuzz. I still wonder if I'll like At World's End. Wasn't that one movie called "Paul" suppose to be the third movie in the trilogy though.

Confessions Of a Trophy Whore.

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 03:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh yes. It was almost like pokemon for me: gotta catch'em all!. But then I started to focus more on trying to get a trophy than I was in just trying to have fun with a game. When trying to get the trophies were becoming a chore I stopped my Trophy hunt. Now if the quest for getting it is fun/worth it I'll give it a go. But it the trophy is a pain in the butt to get I'll let it go.

It still happens off and on for me but I try to step back and ask myself if this was really worth my time in getting this achievement/trophy. Sometimes the answer is yes but mostly it's been no, espeically with those insane tasks/online only ones.

I'm Really Not Excited About The Vita Being "The Indie Platform"

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 02:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's a bummer. It makes me wonder if Sony is just trying too hard to win over indie developers given the fallout that happened back at E3 on the Xbox One. I never tired out the indie offerings on the PSP store so I don't know if it would be a good or bad thing for more idie titles to be offered on PSN, be it for the PSP or the PSVita. I just wish they offered demos to see if the game would be any good. Sure the indie titles are cheep but a cheep, bad indie title is still a cheep, bad indie title.

OCR Spotlight: In the Beginning There Was Jazz

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 02:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

No probs on the dual castlevania posts. You should see about doing this in october during the halloween month. It would liven up the pace of songs that are usually heard during the holiday.

Speak of liven, and you might find this odd, but I'm actually LIKING this rendition. I think I didn't like your last posting because of my current hatred for Mufford and Sons or whatever the popular acostic guitar band is popular right now. I keep hearing them at work every hour on the hour and I want to gouge my eardrums out whenever I hear it!

this is dually suprising too since I didn't consider myself a big fan of Jazz myself. but I could hear this at a night scene. But you are right though, I do love me some rockin castlevania tunes.

Blog #6

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 02:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

congrats on the new arrival! was wondering when we'd hear word of your next child for I knew you were expecting. I didn't know there was a Persona 4 animation. I might want to give it a try since the Valkyrie Chronicles anime finally compelled me to buy the game.

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