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Chunopo's Comments - Page 29

Gimme Shelter

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 11:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So many games incorporate it now, it's the new standard. I agree with the credit given to GoW here, used very well to create a fluid system messed up so completly in numerous other titles. I like the cover system used in Hitman Absolution, they managed to add this simple mechanic to make the game more action orientated which to be honest isn't as cool as Blood Money for my liking but none the less it's an insanely cool game.

My Art Work pt2: Observations and Nudes

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 11:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I always teach my students that anything can be drawin with the four basic shapes: Cubes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres, after I became a teacher my own skills shot up because I was having to teach at a base level 5 days a week. Never convinced the head teacher to allow nude drawing though, think the kids would have been blown away!

My Art Work pt2: Observations and Nudes

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 11:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks Joe! I know what you mean, the first time I ever went to a life drawing class I didn't know what to expect, I was hoping for some smoking models to enter the fray but all of them were just down to earth ordinary folk. It's also wierd that you spend so much time focusing on the drawing that you don't even think about the person being butt naked. I did purposely position myself for the butt angle though!

OfF BeAt ThUrSdAy! Just something to do!

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 11:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll be playing it on the 360, recently games seems to have suffered a bit more on Microsofts power house but Rocksteady are just too damn good a developer to stuff it up, I only hope they don't have any content exclusives on the PS3, I really wanted to play as the Joker in Arkham Asylum

The Unknown Brilliance of the Wii U Gamepad

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

With Nintendo behind the helm I see the use of their new 'pad' becoming greater, it's a great idea to allow play off the big screen, very handy in most households I imagine.

The Unknown Brilliance of the Wii U Gamepad

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My handhelds have been in many many toilets for those.... ahem..... longer sessions.

Top 250 RPGs: 160-151

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

GBA Golden Sun! love that game, but yeah your right, the sequel was better!

Games without Manuals ( crap )

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love old school manuals, the art work and mini story intro are always good to browse. I recently found my old Links awakening box complete with booklet, Its got loads of little illustrations of little things throughout in faded looking print colour.

I'll miss stuff like this in the future!

OfF BeAt ThUrSdAy! Just something to do!

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats on the news of the dance school, you sound very stoked for her. I'm playing through Arkham Asylum again myself and then Arkham City after watching the latest Arkham trailer with Death Stroke, that game is going to rule!

I'm a Bad Person.

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 01:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I imagine its the pure gall of asking for praise and then getting abusive with you when you were honest, we ve all been there bro, I remember countless times having to leave a COD zombie game due to sheer stupidity. I know theres a balance and everyone has to start somewhere (like watching me get whooped at ACM deathmatch) and whilst I have on occasion been onthe receiving end of game rage due to a few bad plays across a number of games it sounds like he got what was coming. Plus having a conscience about it means that your not a gaming ass. Worse than your rant at this lad is the 'holier than thou' attitude that permiates some gamers minds!

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