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Super Step's Comments - Page 282

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Never played Deadly Premonition. 

Apparently, Pixlbit people really fucking hate CoD ... 

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have no idea what Channel is, to be honest. 

Earthbound made me cry as a kid cause I couldn't figure out where to go, so we're on the same page there. 

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Was Urban Chaos similar to the Dead Rising games? Like just an arcadey slug fest?

As for Braid, I never played it but I can match your hatred of platforming with mine for ... come to think of it, I think the only games I tolerate involve at least some level of platforming. Well, damn.

But if you HAD to play the same levels over before they let you move on, I can see that getting irritating for sure. 

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Is it that everyone hates it or that no one has heard of Rodea the Sky Soldier? Because ... 

Anyway, CoD has always bored the shit out of me, so you're not alone there. I think the series gets plenty of flack though, it just sold like gangbusters for a while last gen. Maybe this gen too. Yeah, probably this gen too. Oh well. 

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Never played GTA IV, but doesn't that one get a lot of hate in general for its boring missions? 

I'll take your word on Federation Force. Never played that either. 

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I remember Primal Fury being an arcade fighter about dinosaurs I loved as a kid. I am guessing Primal is different. Either way, I couldn't tell you what I think. 

I don't necessarily hate FPS as a concept, but I suck enough at them I lose interest pretty quickly. I want to buy Wolfenstein II for the Nazi killin', but I can't honestly say I enjoyed the first one past the first stages. I loved the insanity early on, but then the story got more serious and the enemies got more smarter. They 'atcheted me up, 'ey did! BLIMEY

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm one of the people who hates Zelda II. But I also don't enjoy Bloodborne and presumably Dark Souls, either. I can't tell if we just became best friends or frenemeies?

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Does SMB2 get hate though? I guess I've never heard much of it. It gets called "weird," but I couldn't say I've heard too many people not like it. But I have my little Internet cave, so who knows. 

Uncharted gets what I think is a surprising amount of hate online. I love the series. I can understand why people don't like it to an extent, but I think some of the criticism that it "plays itself" is a bit much. If you mean the story, I can dig it, but I'm able to overlook a lot of that in the name of "well, he's mostly shooting mercenaries who aren't exactly highly moral themselves ..."

I Disagree

Posted on 11/04/2017 at 05:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've definitely heard people hate on both your loved games; I'd say Sunshine is my favorite 3D Mario. Never played Skyward Sword, but if the critique of it was "it was too linear," that bothers me not one bit. 

I don't hate The Last of Us, but I thought a large chunk of it was pretty dull. I just don't care that much for zombie apocalypse stories. Honesly, I thought the super-violent trailer for TLoU2 was great because it featured only humans and I find that element way more interesting. 

OMG Mario!

Posted on 11/03/2017 at 02:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wish I could play it, but it actually looks like it won't sell me on a Switch. I still want an SNES Classic more. 

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