It's definitely a goal of mine. I have video ideas in my head, and I have a channel name registered. I need to get some nice banner art and begin scripting.
I think that's awesome! I bet if you hadn't applied you'd always be wondering "what if,,,", so I'm glad you did that. That's the mindset I have right now.
I've just started cutting my teeth on editing, so right now I'm playing around with a free editor called Shotcut. I haven't had a chance to do much with it yet. I've had conflicting information on what program is considered industry standard. I'd like to eventually be able to work in TV and movies, or even better, cutting trailers for game companies.
That's what popped into my head when I woke up this morning. I made the first steps to do so today. I need to work on my cover letter, and I want to make a video to submit, since so much of their content is video based now.
That's really rough! I'm sorry things went down that way for you. Maybe it's all the teen dramas I used to consume (Dawson is my dude!), but I was always jealous of the college life. Not the party aspect of it, more the allure of interesting professors, making friends, and learning things that would shape who I'd become.
I'm applying for the job. I'll be blogging about it in the next day or so.
I think it's more the act of being around people that you share the commonality of college with, getting to know them and learning how to socialize. This is a skill that I never learned. I don't speak unless spoken to, and I tend to keep my head down and focus on the task at hand, which causes people to think I'm a dick. I'm not a dick, I just don't have the ability to strike up a conversation with you.
I would make a strong case for Life is Strange and the Deus Ex games. Life is Strange is a great story with some real emotional kick to it. Not quite a Telltale adventure game or a day in the life game, but I'd put it in that wheelhouse.
The recent Deus Ex games are mechanically some of the most fun I've had with stealth, period. Slinking around, hacking into people's emails to find passwords and bypassing combat...mmm.
I can't really speak to the others. I've played a bit of Shovel Knight and I like it a lot, but it was either too hard for me or I was having issues with the Vita's D-pad. I own Dishonored 2 and Fallout 4 but haven't played them enough to comment on them.
Interesting. My favorite X-Men movies are Days of Future Past and X-Men United, which are both his. But my constant complaint about all the movies is how they lack the sense of teamwork and family that the X-Men represent. That, and the fact that Wolverine is the main character in 7 out of 9 movies.
By that point I had honestly forgotten that Padan Fain was still around. But I totally agree. I think my biggest gripe with the last book was introducing a totally new faction in the Sharans. I looked them up, and I guess they are mentioned in passing a few times, but when they showed up I was like "you cannot do this at the zero hour".