I got a feeling you'd like Paradise Lost. I should just do a list of songs you'd like one day lol.
I got a feeling you'd like Paradise Lost. I should just do a list of songs you'd like one day lol.
They came out in the 80's, when all bands had terrible names lol.
Controls wise is preference, but the game is still kinda broken on pc, at least until march when the new expansion fixes things.
I look forward to it :)
I think Dead State has launched... it says it's out on steam anyway. Ah well. Wish you played on PC, I'd love to give you a game of XCOM. You'd probably whoop my ass, but oh well.
You don't have the Auction House, Always Online, or the shit loot system caused by those things. The console version is OBJECTIVELY better.
Let me know what's worth playing. I want a Vita, but there doesn't seem to be enough games to justify me getting it.
2011's November was like that for me. Skyrim, Dark Souls (Australia, everyone else got it in November), Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, Rayman Origins, Serious Sam 3, AND Arkham City. Shit was intense.
The gods of luck hate me sometimes. Usually I'm quite lucky though, so I guess it's just the universe balancing itself back out lol.