Posted on 05/18/2012 at 11:59 AM
| Filed Under Feature
I see your point Julian that this has the potential to cause some serious damage, but I think your being a bit hyperbolic. While it’s certainly true that people enjoy playing Diablo as a single player title, the game serves primarily as a multiplayer co-op title. That said, until we start to see single player titles take up this strategy solely to mitigate piracy, I’m going to refrain from getting upset about this. I’m sure your right that the fact that this helps dampen piracy is a nice bonus, but I don’t believe it’s the only reason they decided to do it.
Part of what bugs me about this, is it fits right into the current way that everyone reacts to things in the video game industry. I’m not saying that you or anyone on this site is doing this, but often times when anything gets announced in the gaming community everyone attacks the game companies ruthlessly.
I mean listen to our discussions about the Skyrim MMO announcements and God of War Ascension. We immediately assume the worst; it’s a practice that is all too common online and frankly in games journalism. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be weary, because your absolutely right in that sense Julian. If everything was to move to servers we would lose a great deal of gaming history and it would destroy the medium. I just don’t think that we should always assume the worst of every company anytime they try to implement anything. We have to understand that at the end of the day these are businesses they need to protect their products, but their also gamers too. Most (of course there are exceptions) of them love games as much as us, they want to progress and cultivate the medium, and they enjoy the history of video games as much as us. I don’t think they’ll destroy it. Yea sometimes they have to make decisions that we don’t like, but for the most part they try to bring us the best games they can. These guys are putting 5-10 years of sleepless nights into these titles, I find it hard to believe it’s only for paycheck, cause frankly there are plenty of easier ways to make a buck.