Ha ha, awesome lyrics dude! Your right about the wife too, she like a ferrari, Good to look at, great to ride...... and high maintenance. So glad she has no interest in reading my blogs!
Ha ha, awesome lyrics dude! Your right about the wife too, she like a ferrari, Good to look at, great to ride...... and high maintenance. So glad she has no interest in reading my blogs!
Australia does have a lot going for it....... except fees at Fremantle port, those robbing bastards made me pay nearly a thousand dollars to simply get my stuff off the boat and put it in a warehouse! Still I now have TV and X box!
Please tell me you wear that hat all the time! it's got a walking dead vibe to it, particularly with the rifle, but not sure how much zombie slaying would happen with BB's!
I'm stoked for this game, the trailer is awesome and I know they won't disappoint. In a way i hope they'll be a villain fest with as much of the dark community of Gotham coming to get bats but I know they'll probably be smarter with the story than that.
I may have to take up your adivce on this one Ben, I downloaded god eater on my PSP after your review and have to say I havn't put it down since!
Dream cast 2! It's a shame SEGA just don't have the money to do something like this but a budget console with lower spec and awesome games could do well this next Gen!
Black opresssion is rife in America (from my limited experience of going there) but as you state Ben many whites, hispanics, asian and European folks suffer too. Its like telling a homeless person who lives in a plastic box that the fella down the alley way has to make do with cardboard. I really do like the American people, the ones I have met are friendly and hardworking (though I'm sure there are numerous examples of the opposite there as well) but as you say fighting amongst your selves is something that keeps your gaze from the real issues. Britain isn't the best for racial tensions but systems were set up to give everyone the right to medical care and a decent education, I suppose the country is just too damn small to shoehorn the sheer number of one particular demographic into a massive camping site, most of the well of in the UK have some form of poverty just down the road (particularly in the cities). The problem is this complaining (from the writer of said article) doesn't stir the emotions of horror into someone like your self who struggles on a day to day basis, infact it probably inspires the response of 'well thats tragic and all but I'm sorry, I'm too busy trying to balance the unfortunate hand I ve been played to do too much about it'. Black opression needs to be changed, prisons in teh states are dominated by the black community, a black person in the US courts has much less chance of getting a fair deal and education for young black people can be full of unescessary hurdles but ultimately that doesn't make people like your self 'lucky' it just means that others are even 'less fortunate'. doesn't have the same ring to it though does it!
Anyway my rant is at an end, thanks again for the stimulating read to go woth my early morning coffee!
Personally my man I appreciate the three musketeers hair and beard combo in the 02 pic!
For the first time in now what seems like forever, I think I might sit back and watch this one develop for a while. Despite the info thats been put forward I can see this getting more and more confusing and whats more, as always, it'll be the consumer who makes the final decision on what any developer can get away with. Microsfot are trying to monoplise the gaming community in the same way Apple try to do so with their computers and i - whatevers. The best innovations are seldom started by just one company and I sincerely hope that the next 'big thing' works outside of Microsoft. The internet and cloud gaming will make piracey ever easier and I do wonder how companies like Microsoft who rely on pure download will justify the same costs for games as their overheads will be considerably cheaper. It's a shame because the hardcore gamer is no fool, but as the shift works towards nieve parents and 'brodudes' who continually pay for the latest gimmick, the savvy gamers voice becomes softer and eventually silenced altogether.
I'm quite interested in pirate warriors 2, saw a few previews and thought it had some potential but I think to really get me pumped for it I need to invest more time into watching one piece. As for the saturn controller... sweet! I can't even remember what it feels like to hold one of them things!