Thanks, I will. Proceeded even further into RDR since I posted this.
Thanks, I will. Proceeded even further into RDR since I posted this.
Good. In retrospect, the voicework was the sore thumb on that game. The gameplay was actually pretty good.
I love the Genesis titles (well, III did nothing for me) but I couldn't get past the first PSP title. The voice acting was atrocious.
I like it so far. Not very difficult and full of in-jokes for fans of the franchise.
Have you used the Collection feature on this website? A week or two ago, I updated it with all my games, physical and digital. I had more than I realized.
Oh, sorry about that. I wrote what I did in the hope that I was avoiding plot details, just sights and sounds and certain gameplay moments. I guess I got carried away.
Nice haul there.
I love the Hellboy movies as much as the next person but the chances for a 3rd are slim. The 2nd didn't do well financially but it was the superior film.
"You're an idealist and I pity you as I would the village idiot." - Paths of Glory
"I'm not married, I don't have any kids and I'd blow your head off if someone paid me enough." - Grosse Pointe Blank
"So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show." - Wayne's World 2
"I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends - apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends' mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don't vote, do they?" - The West Wing
You're a "glass-half-empty" kinda person, aren't you? ;)
Good picks, but the recent two-part adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns needs to be on this list. That truly rocked my world.