You fucking pig.
You fucking pig.
Yeah, my comfort zone lies in RPGs, 3D Action games, and shooters. So I'm not going to say i'm better than anyone lol. However, if I never branched out, some of my favourite games of all time would never have been discovered. Not a massive adventure game fan, but I ADORE the cat lady (You should totally play it!). I'm not a massive racing fan, but i adore grand turismo due to it's rpg elements.
IOS has some great games. I personally ADORE game dev story, as well as ridiculous fishing and other titles. Card games and board games work amazingly well with the touch interface as well.
And you're right. I hate it when people dismiss casual games. Peggle is one of my favourite games EVER.
This article wasn't exclusively aimed at you, or anyone in particular. The article was written to ask people who don't often step outside their comforts zones to do so, and not to dismiss games simply because of their genre.
Yep it is super awesome. It's definitely going on my GOTY list.
He really doesn't say Stanley that often lol.
You can get one of the endings in two minutes. This is a really time efficient game :) but if you still can't find the time, just wait a bit. It will be in a steam sale sometime soon.
Yeah I think that the rating would definitely help the movie rather than hinder it, but I still think the rating is a bit... weird. Fear, like you said, is completely subjective, and changes from person to person. That is the nature of it. I'm scared of ghosts for some unknown reason, but not really serial killers, whereas other people are the exact opposite. So yeah, it's kinda weird.
That's ok. Sometimes it's just good to know people are reading the crap I pump out :)
Those are some great picks, two of which I've personally never tried. I discovered I love soccer games though when I tried Fifa 11.