Thanks man! Yeah. I'm really excited about the 3DS if you can't tell lol. I'm excited about buying DS games too since I never really had one. There's a bunch of games that I already know I want for sure.
Thanks man! Yeah. I'm really excited about the 3DS if you can't tell lol. I'm excited about buying DS games too since I never really had one. There's a bunch of games that I already know I want for sure.
I've never been big on handhelds due to various reasons, but am loving the 3DS already.
I saw those Kid Icarus games on the VC. I had KI on NES at one point, but got rid of it. I kind of regret that. I didn't even give the game much of a chance. I would like to try the GB version. I almost have enough points from Club Nintendo for it. Although I might try to find the cart and get one of those 3DS game cases they got on there.
It seems like everything gets banned in Austraila. Why is that?
That's weird. Maybe it has something to do with licensing or the laws over there.
NES games have gone up a lot recently. SNES games are even more expensive in general. So I don't blame you on that. I've pretty much got almost everything I want at this point.
Jeffrey said that you really liked Shinobi. It was only like $13 new. I don't care to use save states honestly. I probably wouldn't feel bad about it for NG III though. They took away infinite continues. As if those games aren't already insane enough lol.
Thanks Alex. I missed a lot on the original DS too. I've only played a few DS games that my brother had. So it's exciting to finally explore that library. That sucks about the eShop over there. I wonder what the deal is?
I'm extremely picky about my RPGs, but will definitely give Fire Emblem a shot. I'm looking forward to buying more games for the 3DS too. I'll probably end up going berserk again lol.
I am open to suggestions! Right now all I got on my wishlist are obvious choices.
Beerfan! Thanks for stopping by! That's awesome you got a 3DS Xl. I'm really enjoying mine. I haven't played Mario Kart 7 (or whatever) but probably will someday. The 3DS seems like a great system. Plenty of weird and creative games out there! Even if in my old age all I really want to play are 2D platformers.