Add me with most of the others. The first one is quicker to grab your attention I feel. Nice for the start.
Add me with most of the others. The first one is quicker to grab your attention I feel. Nice for the start.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear you had fun, I hope most of the community did
I'd a lot of fun and once I got over any lack of blogging confiidence I may once have had, it was pretty easy to keep up posting for the month.You should totally go for it next year again!
And yeah, I hope you enjoy it too! I hear there are some pretty grim set pieces so should be interesting
I've heard good things. According to, the main story lasts about 11 hours or 15 with extras. That's not too much of a time commitment at least.
I enjoyed your new comics blogs if you're taking requests. Otherwise, i'm planning similar to you. I'll probably average twice a week for blogging here on out till next BaD. It's certainly a good month to practice composing a blog though, if nothing else.
C'mon Joe! Give a man a chance. You know how long it takes to get that bloody song out of your head? Too shagging long. Thats what.
I know right. Without her hair flowing behind her, how could you ever judge a jumps distance? Madness I tells ya
I had this on the 360. Good game with a great sense of humor. My wife absolutely adores this game.
Thats nice to hear. No fancy hair effects that you're playing with so?
I'll go B and not a google in sight