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BrokenH's Comments - Page 317

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 11:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I came reading this list. Now,where are the Kleenexes?!

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yup, Ray even dropped by my blog a few times. She's really nice. Class act all the way!

As for my newly accquire PSP, it feels like a whole new world is opened to me for exploration! Time to get my adventurer hat and my adventurer, I mean my adventurer boots!

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't really have a grasp on what "objectfication" is anymore,David. lol. Is it attention whoring? Don't we all want to be perceived as "desirable"? Is merely dressing "sexy" objectifying oneself? Are sexual fantasies in our heads objectification?  It's a thin line of contemplation to walk along.

   Call me crazy, but I think "objectification" has become an incorrect cache-phrase for "biological drive".

 I'm kind of tired of certain people trying to make me feel guilty for being aroused by women. It's not something I can turn off at a whim.(Believe me, I try sometimes)

 However, even when aroused I can be polite and show restraint. Figured I'd mention that before someone else posts "Are you saying women are asking to be raped just cuz they iz dressed like that & becuz you have biological drives you iz entitled to them??" No, but I am saying they're dressed like that to get attention in the first place. (Yet they should still be respected like any other human being and judged based on how they act as opposed to what they look like.)

 On that note, I'm so glad I've never been to a con,bro! Though I'm shy and try to be nice I am afraid my eyes would linger a bit too long on certain cosplayers. It would suck if I made any female feel "uncomfortable" or "creeped out".

 Guess I just have to remember to keep eye contact at all times and grin away even if I'm anxious and sweating bullets! Man, even talking about this possible scenario makes me stressed out!

 Ben + Social gatherings=Fail!

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll stop by, bro! Production on my end is kinda split down the middle. It's been great on the artistic side of things but kinda "meh" and lazy on the RPGmaker side of things. lol.

I'm finding more & more that having an rpg with branching paths is a bit much. I remember my friend Blake warning me it might prove to be too ambitous and I think he hit the nail on the head!

Regardless, I'm excited about having a PSP as well!

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's right I'm "in the club" now Peter! Behold my trendy PSP and TREMBLE! (I'm only one hand-held generation behind. lol.)

I'm really excited about all my J-rpg possibilities now. It feels SO GOOD!

Why Capcom Doesn't Do Anything With Mega Man

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sort of happy they're bringing RE: Revelations to the PS3 and 360. Other than that? Though they still pump out a game I enjoy once in awhile they're no longer in my good graces like they were during my nes,snes,ps1,and ps2 days. They've let so many good franchises die (Okami,Viewtiful Joe, and Onimusha to name a few) so they'll have to do A LOT to become one of my favorite companies again.

I don't think it's just capcom though. Do EA & Activision do any better?

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 09:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's really a shame 3rd Birthday's story is cancerous,Kay. That might prevent PE from having another sequel which breaks my heart. I may pick it up on the cheap for the gameplay though!

I'll also be snagging up anything by Atlus which goes without saying!

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 09:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not huge into GTA. After San Andreas and Bully I fell out with Rockstar a bit. However, Red Dead looks interesting enough!

I've heard quite a few good things about Half Minute Hero so I'll look it up! Thanks,Aaron!

Batch Of New Games

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 07:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nazis and supernatural science gone wrong? Usually a good combination for fun! (Thumbs up)

Filler Blog: Ask Cary Stuff

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 07:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hoping you get a review copy of Injustice,Cary. It looks pretty amazing so far. Nether-realm does good work!

I feel you on buying games at full retail price though. It's difficult to convince me to buy anything "brand new" as well.

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