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Super Step's Comments - Page 317

Life is Strange has a Hidden Agenda

Posted on 06/20/2017 at 03:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been staying away from sales, but agree on LiS.

Life is Strange has a Hidden Agenda

Posted on 06/20/2017 at 04:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

More like restarted an old one. I work inventory in summer when I'm not teaching.

It's set in the 2010s, but the main character has a Polaroid camera and there is definitely a hipster vibe reminiscent of 90s aesthetic.

Wait, it's getting a sequel? I'll probably buy that day one, once I finish the last three chapters.

E3 2017 Reactions: Bethesda Press Conference

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I did not feel the same, but I'm glad you did and can see why they have their fans.

I think Doom VR would be cool, but I'd have to try it first.

Electronics, Entertainment and Expository Presentations

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 11:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What other Metroid games did Sakamoto work on? 

Electronics, Entertainment and Expository Presentations

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 01:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

No, but we have no idea what those games will look like and I could have made the MP4 title card ( which I honestly don't like) in PhotoShop in short time. So while I doubt Nintendo won't make good on the promise, it still just comes off a bit cheap to me. I'm sure other companies have done it; I just got annoyed with people saying they "won" E3 in large part due to those announcements. Plus, I do feel as if the possibility of delay/cancellation is stronger with nothing to show, even if it is coming from my favorite company.

I liked Colors on DS and what I played of Generations, but I admittedly haven't played 3D colors or much of Generations. I like 3D sonic when I'm playing as sonic though, and it looked to me that was what the game will be.

I still have yet to receive Andromeda from GameFly, despite it being my #1 in Q since early May, so I can't speak on modern Bioware.

Batman, Minecraft, Wolfenstein and Blue Dragon

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 12:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The mechanics were great, I'll give you that. I just think I got overwhelmed too easily in places, which reminded me of playing those 90s titles in a bad way.

Electronics, Entertainment and Expository Presentations

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 12:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've played them, but they never really captivated me. I'm sure they are relaxing for some folks, but I like more challenge in my platformers, so I don't just feel like I'm going through the motions. I've always liked Kirby's gimmick though.

I'll give it another chance some time, but the ones I've played have just been ok for me. Maybe I'll get the same reaction Game Grumps had to Epic Yarn and feel all warm and fuzzy playing it. Lol Too bad I don't have a Wii or Wii U.

Electronics, Entertainment and Expository Presentations

Posted on 06/19/2017 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Visually, it's stunning. Which honestly makes the dialogue even more disappointing to me ... Plus, I'm not sure I buy that's what the final game will look like.

Yeah, I loved the last NFS, so Payback has me stoked.

Minecraft did look better with those shadings and all and honestly might make the game more tolerable for me, since I am a very visual person. But it's still kinda funny.

Yeah, the whole multiplayer needed thing is a big turn off for me. Which reminds me, A Way Out seems like a cool game, but I just don't see myself having that dedicated a partner. Might be perfect for you and Mark though.

Blue Wagon

Posted on 06/18/2017 at 11:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

GameFly is inconsistent for me as well, but I think it's based on which address or post office I use, so not their fault in my case. 

Batman, Minecraft, Wolfenstein and Blue Dragon

Posted on 06/18/2017 at 03:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The story and details I liked; didn't know about the wolfenstein 3d. But the gameplay was hard for me and I lost interest after a while.

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