Eh. I'm curious about what Nintendo and Microsoft have to offer, but I have ... SO MUCH to get to on PS4 it's hard to feel left out.
Eh. I'm curious about what Nintendo and Microsoft have to offer, but I have ... SO MUCH to get to on PS4 it's hard to feel left out.
I never played the first one and have yet to listen to this ( thought it wouldn't be up until Friday cause of something posted on Twitter), but I cringed when I saw it and it had the number of f bombs you'd experience t from Goodfellas.
I still need to play my Steam copy, but it gave me flashbacks to when they tarnished Prince of Persia for me by giving it a Mortal Kombat makeover after Sands of Time charmed my pants off. Definitely pulled them back up when my protagonist started cursing and calling women bitches.
Unfortunately, that did work financially in PoP's favor, and I can still remember people at my high school being taken with that game's marketing, so ... *sigh*
Since i have only owned and barely played IV...
And I prefer ther old-school style of having distinct levels and goals, since most of the time open world to me just translates to "boring travel." So I'm with you there.
I love open worlds in some cases, and I do think it's cool to be able to see so far and actually get there, but the charm of that is lost in games without fun traversal mechanics (I do love that Saints Row IV makes on-foot go about as fast as a vehicle) or a teleport option after a while.
The 4kTV (curved) I saw Guardians of the Galazy on did show a dramatic difference to me, but I'm still not opening my wallet either.
I'm content with 1080p for now and I need the money for other things.
I'm actually excited for VR, but as I keep telling Julian, I'm just not going to spend money on something until I can try it for myself first.
A friend had a 4k tv curved set at home and it looked AMAZING, but we had to change some things to get the frame rate right when watching Guardians of the Galaxy on cable. It did look amazing though. But I'm just not in the market for those kinds of expenses for the foreseeable future, even if I could buy one and still live plenty comfortably. There are just more important things I could use the money for.
I just saw an article in Kotaku where they interviewed a Sony rep who was trying to say they didn't opt in cause they wanted brand consistency or something similar.
Do you already know what the highlights and trailers will be? Or have you avoided all that?
Metro and Forza 7 looked damn pretty, but until prices match with my wants, 4K is not here for me.
The BC had me excited as well, since I never owned an Xbox and want to play their libraries.
Unfortunately, Sony is not part of crossplay for some stupid reason.
I loved the Sony press conference and some interesting stuff came from Nintendo. People are saying Ubisoft "won" E3 this year, but ... Eh.