That Mario odyssey trailer did look pretty sweet.
That Mario odyssey trailer did look pretty sweet.
I was actually interested in everything at Sony's conference and BG&E2 was ... Interesting. Plus metroid prime 4 is a cool logo to see. Look at it go!
I did think Xbox presentation was a slog, but some games looked really good, like Forza 7, The Last Night, that fox platformer, and a couple others I can't think of. That pirate trailer was too damn long.
Only things I saw were metroid 3ds and metroid prime 4 announcements.
I'll watch the whole thing later.
Same here. I wonder who voted yes.
The more I consider it, the more I feel like my PS4 still has plenty waiting for me to get to. I'm excited to watch Nintendo's conference though.
Yeah, I was all excited about $500 4K, until realizing it was really $1000 at that point.
I realize it upscales for 1080p TVs, but ...
SotC was my favorite genuine surprise, but all of these looked good to me.
I still need to finish the Uncharted series and my copy of horizon, but I'm excited to do so and get these new games/DLC.
Days Gone looked interesting, although that's the one I'm least sure suits my taste.
Monster Hunter World retminded me of horizon last year, what with the dinos, but still felt fresh. I never played monster Hunter, so actually found out that's what that was after the show.
I hadn't heard of Detroit or seen a trailer, so that was actually a genuine surprise for me as well.
As for Spider-Man, the combat/action looked ok, but seeing the swing mechanics pushed me over the edge. I think there were probably more QTAs because they needed a more cinematic scene. I don't love those, but I don't hate them so much to be immediately turned off by a trailer with them either.
So staying out of the loop made Sony's conference pretty damn exciting to me! I also love the format of their press conference. Y'all are here for trailers, so here are some trailers with occassional stage theatrics.
Only one of these I'm not that intrigued by is Dishonored. I just couldn't get into Dishonored 2 when I played the demo.
Again, VR stuff is only going to appeal to me when I can try it. That is just one gaming avenue where I need proof of concept in person.
Is the mod thing PC-only?
I also noticed the creature at the end of Wolfenstein. It was a bit jarring. I still need to finish The New Order, but I just haven't been feeling it midway through. I think TNO moves too slowly, too.
Julian, you know you can fly as Batman, right?
And ok, there's the Anthem talk. And yes, thank God for color.
I heard dragon riding, but ... oh well. Never mind.
Show audio quality sounds really good to my ears ... Patrick has some echo, but it's not distractingly hollow. Great job for a raw cut.