I bought New Order used but, hey have a blast. I am sure I will pick up DOOM when it comes out.
I bought New Order used but, hey have a blast. I am sure I will pick up DOOM when it comes out.
I'll check it out. Hey when are we going to team up for some Xenoblade X?
Cary, this is awesome, good luck and have fun, like you could stop yourself from that, lol.
I'm about half-way through Fire Emblem Conquest. I would be playing more bt I am near the end of Spring semester and I have 3 papers to do. There goes most my time.
Is Sadame on the E-shop?
Yes, those are the ones I am looking forward to getting. That and the new Avenger/ Super hero one.
Why does that last game still look like a Sonic level?
Hey! I think we are all getting back on her after a small hiatus.
I plan on getting the 3.0 but not the Star Wars. I refuse to buy any thing Star Wars that Disney makes.