Makes you wonder what whould've happened to WRPG's if Lord British gave up after "ultima 0" upon reading such a scathing review.....
Makes you wonder what whould've happened to WRPG's if Lord British gave up after "ultima 0" upon reading such a scathing review.....
See! You have more than enough room to have more than one console on your TV set up. I bet you could get up to five consoles hooked up to that!
It seems more and more people are enjoying the halloweenish style of things during the Xmas seasons. Very wierd.
Please don't tell me that Afterlife with Archie was made after his recent death in the comics?
Pictures of your Wii U! Pictures of your Wii U!
.... WAIT!
I need to see about getting a new MP3 since most of my songs were lost when my last one died on me. I just hope my cataloging of my songs translates well on whichever mp3 I get.
I wanna get RE4 HD so bad but I'm waiting for it to go on sale (again) on PSN since I play to make that my RE survival horror machine. Jus tdepending if I should get 5 and 6 since their base titles are really cheap.
I liked Toad in Mario Bros. 2. He can pull veggies much faster than anyone else, thus making him helpful in certain levesl to gain lots of coin for the slot machine bonus game at the end.
I'm been spoiled by the .99 flash sales! Anything else seems lame in comparison. That's the only times I actually spend money on things. What I see here I can either buy cheaper used or don't care to own anytime soon. What a lame way to end the year....
My first thoughts in a nutshell:
It made me glad I wasn't an online gamer and mostly play offline and/or retro. Though I do play Ace combat Infinity, the outages didn't really seem to affect me that much.
It just makes me glad that the game industry is now thinking twice about online only titles or systems that require an online connectin to play. had the Xbox One still required an online connection the news stories would've been much bigger and more condemning.
I don't know. What about them?