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Super Step's Comments - Page 322

Episode 115: Nerdy Dialogue

Posted on 06/10/2017 at 05:09 PM | Filed Under Feature

I skipped the E3 section the first time I listened and I must say, that Earth, Wind, and Ozzy song just works. 

Metroid Prime 2 was NOT the same game as 1. Not even close. F* the dark world and its stupid penis boss.

Nintendo wasn't the developer, but that "adult Nintendo" thing was part of why Eternal Darkness was exciting. No idea how that sold. *Looks up vgchartz* *Weeps in disappointment*

I'm with you on PC, Julian. I could never figure out why Fez would glitch out on me when Tomb Raider 2013 would be ok; or why my controller would SOMETIMES work on Psychonauts, but I'd need the keyboard at others; and I hated having to set RE4 HD on lower settings because the frame rate would get weird otherwise. But at the same time, I'm just so happy with PS4 and its exclusives that I'm just not interested in the Scorpio. I will always be a console gamer, but the XBOX brand has just never really appealed to me for some reason. The subscription service is 10000000x better than shitty PS Now though; I'll give you that.

One of the reasons VR hasn't taken off is cause people can't try it for themselves first. Sure, it looks cool to me, but I'm not plunking down ANY cash until I can try it. Or maybe that's just why I don't adopt it, but prohibitive pricing without a chance to try what you're getting can't be my concern alone. 

Pokemon Snap AR with printable images/stickers ... My body is ready.

Quick Hits: Blogging From Bed Part II, The Very Safe For Work Edition Now With Extra Safe!

Posted on 06/10/2017 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What would the mural be? King Biggie Smalls?

#ComeyDay was exactly what I thought it would be: Comey describing shady shit both parties did to put him in impossible positions I already knew about or suspected (especially after his initial statement was released), nothing immediately damning in a legal sense, and a lot of things that can be seen through party lenses to make either side go, "see? WE were right all along!" There were some funny images of the differences between the cable news networks crawls to that effect.

I don't really care about Warriors or Cavs either. They both have titles in recent years, so there's no real underdog to me (I guess it's technically the Cavs, but eh). But I hate you for that Heat jersey. MAY IT BURN IN HELL #NeverForgetNBAFInals2006 #Or2011NBAFinalsforhappierreasons

Netflix's algorithm is so weird. I finished House of Cards, now I'm on F is for Family and will soon watch OITNB. I've watched a handful of comedy specials as well, and finished One Punch Man a bit ago (I loved it at first, but it got repetitive).

R.I.P. Adam West. Watching the 60s Batman movie makes me want to watch more of the TV show.

I’m Done with Minecraft. Bring on RiME.

Posted on 06/10/2017 at 12:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Damn. I think I know what I'm putting atop my GameFly list once I send Titanfall 2 back. 

Episode 115: Nerdy Dialogue

Posted on 06/08/2017 at 07:06 PM | Filed Under Feature

It appears to be that it was on my end. Your voice was heavily overmodulated around the 2:15 mark or so, and a handful of times thereafter, but listening again today, there don't seem to be these issues. Never mind, I guess. Sorry for the false alarm. 

The only "audio" issue, then, is I meant to call the car smashing levels iconic, rather than ironic. Although I guess ironic works ... lol 

Also, just to make everyone mad, I really never played the original Doom much. I think other FPS of the time turned me off to the idea and I've never been great at FPS because my lack of spatial awareness often leads to me being ambushed, unless it's a cover shooter where the game basically tells you to "kneel here and shoot." I also remember a PC game where you literally shot viruses to death inside someone's body. I think there was a game based on the cereal Chex that was similar ... 

I rented Doom 64 a couple times though.

L.A., WWE, Radio, Christian Rock, Gossip Girl, Slipknot

Posted on 06/08/2017 at 12:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love the Dorothy shirt. Just have to be careful about where I wear it.

Fozzy probably wouldn't be my favourite otherwise, but if you put on a great live show, I'm your fan.

TDR and PR were definitely junior high and high school flashbacks for me; more so PR, since I did know TDR changed singers and have some newer songs.

Stone Sour is my favourite shirt design. Which is good, since they were my favourite band there.

Quick Hits: Blogging From Bed, Very SFW Edition

Posted on 06/08/2017 at 12:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm honestly surprised they were so close to reality on some things, since production would have wrapped before they knew about it. 


Episode 115: Nerdy Dialogue

Posted on 06/07/2017 at 08:53 PM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select

Kirby, with his mouth open; wonder what powers he'll get. This isn't out of hate; it's more about wondering what would happen if those were real Kirbys. 

Chrono Chrossing


Super Mario Kart probably isn't the best game in the series. I remember loving multiplayer Mario Kart 64 battles when I would rent it or play at a friend's house. Double Dash was a pretty good Christmas memory for me and the only kart game I own. Mario Kart 8  is solid from what I've played of it, minus the battle system, and looks quite pretty.

But Super Mario Kart might actually be my favorite, due to personal experience. I loved the Mode 7 graphics at the time, and it's the only game in the franchise that really "wowed" me when I played it, in large part due to my age. I was 2 when it released, and likely played it via rentals around 4 or 5. I can't remember if my older brother rented it, or I was allowed to pick games out for his system to keep our parents happy, but I still love the core game that set the groundwork for everything that came after. It's definitely an early gaming memory that for some reason reminds me of summer?

I think I'd like the series more if I played multiplayer more often, but I've always played more single player.  

Julian, I think there are a handful of audio issues toward the end.

Role-Playing Minecraft

Posted on 06/06/2017 at 11:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Conan the Barber was great when he dyed my hair and gave me liberty spikes. I would recommend him.

Old Is New, And A Mini-Recap Of May

Posted on 06/06/2017 at 02:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have a physical Simpson's trivia game i never really played.

I want to get a KoF title, but don't really know the series well either. 

Midnight club 3 was always a bitch for me when neighbors had it. Or maybe I mean 2?

I'll play Lego city or Lego Batman the movie the game before i play Lego movie. NBA Playgrounds is NBA Jam- related right?

Did anyone play Resident Evil Revelations?

Posted on 06/05/2017 at 08:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely prefer the Xbox One's downloadable games service to the garbage that is PS Now streaming, but PS4's exclusives make me pretty content with only owning it for now.

So ironically, now that I have the means to buy all consoles in a generation, I don't really see much urge to do so any more.

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