Yeah. Fuck that game! David only put the forum in today, so we're kinda excited about it lol.
Yeah. Fuck that game! David only put the forum in today, so we're kinda excited about it lol.
No! No drinking until wednesday! And I'll drink when you look at the forums :p
Yeah, look, If I'm honest I still pirate tv shows while they're on tv, otherwise I'd have to wait like a year to see game of thrones and breaking bad here. But I ALWAYS buy the dvd when they come out. I've got the GoT boxset, and all of the breaking bad dvds, all of the community dvds (except season 4...)
I pirated quite a few games last year. Then I read up on how much harm it was doing and sorta stopped. The only games I have pirated this year are the pc games lost in a house fire, which since I already owned and paid money for I don't see a problem with. Also, now there are so many f2p games out there it's kinda crazy!
Fair enough man. What's the pay like?
That sucks man, but change is always an oppurtunity to better yourself! What do you do for a living though, I think I've missed the blogs where you've talked about that.
Yeah I do tend to agree, this is a very touchy issue, and I know retailers push used copies because they make fuck all out of a new sale. However, I don't think that makes it right to try and stop as many new sales as possible. That is kind of bullshit.
As for piracy... I'd go out on a limb and say that a lot of people who pirate games are college students. We have a network on here with movies, tv shows and music that people share, and I've heard that's the case in a lot of places. It's just kind of something that's taken as normal at colleges, regardless of whether it's wrong or not.
Yeah, I didn't know that. So my stance is this: Buying Used games is fine. However, my problem is with how they are pushed. I know some people on here are saying they've never been pushed onto them, but whatever. Retailers are trained to offer a used game over a new game, telling them that they will save 5 bucks or whatever, and trying to say that it's pretty much the same. I've been confronted with this multiple times, and they make it seem like you'd have to be an idiot to take the new copy.
Piracy is stealing, there's no ifs or buts about it. One is legal, the other is illegal. Both hurt gaming though.
Damn fine list sir. I actually agree with all of them, although I wish gears hadn't have made the cover mechanic so integral to this generation...
Hey... Valve is releasing a console soon. If they do well enough to compete with sony and microsoft those two would HAVE to change things up because Valve would obliterate them in pricing. I doubt it will compete though tbh, but we can hope.
I think the thing to remember is that when steam launched it was fucking dreadful. I mean for like the first couple of years it just sucked. It took a long time to actually become what it is... so theres some more hope.
Sorry I'm not replying to everything you said... but my head is too full of useless philosophy facts to argue with the rest. I've been trying to explain Plato's Theory of Forms is a synthesis of the philosophies of Heraclitus and Permanides for the last 7 hours so my brain is dead lol.
You can also get this on for free if you're on PC. However... I can't play it because I've played 7 lol.