Yes it is.
Yes it is.
Isn't it illegal to give away black people with books? *blinks and looks confused*
LOL, It's just that when written that way it would cause more problems than it solves.
I thought the same about Revelations. When it begins it just feels like an old school RE but with better controls.
I know. I won't be buying South Park until it's $20 or less
Yep, I have the game and need to play it at some point.
I already have all 5 million gigabytes of it from PSN+. I just wanted to check out what was going on.
That's one I'm not sure I'll get into considering from the little bit I played it appears that they show you the ending at the beginning. If there's one thing I don't like in games, movies or books it's that.
I predict we'll see lots of jawdropping footage for games that everyone will be disappointed in when they finally come out.
I also predict that hardware fanboys will use this footage to claim supremacy for their system of choice and that there will be much flaming on VGCHARTZ.
Finally, I predict that Snee will be right about the Sci-Fi Shooters.
Hey, I'm at platinum and registered Animal Crossing and I got nothing! So consider yourself special Cary. :P
Page go bye bye.
That's a great deal.