I'm about to ride the Shoopuf. I still can't defend/stand by or make magic hit multiple people but I'm stayin' alive.
I'm about to ride the Shoopuf. I still can't defend/stand by or make magic hit multiple people but I'm stayin' alive.
That's a lot of games I'd be excited for too if I had the hardware to play them on.
Yes retail is hell. I worked in clothing retail for many years, as everything from a stock boy and salesman up to management. Then I got smart and went back to school, switched to an IT role after that and the rest is history.
In my experience the "friends after benefits" thing doesn't work. I've been on both sides of that many times. One person always wants more
Keep on blogging Nicole. Here's Todd Rundgren and Daryll Hall with Can We Still be Friends just for you.
I would be buying it, if I had a Wii U. It will have to wait.
I'm very interested in this game but I'm probably not going to buy it right away and since I don't own a PS4 it will be the PC version.
I want to play some shorter games too. I just seem to wind up playing long RPGs .
I have Madness Returns. I haven't really had time to get to it yet. I should get to Dark Arisen soon too since it's taking up space on my HD.
I just finished the main story in Tales of Graces and will get to Tales of Symphonia soon because I really want to finish it this time and my GC copy was sold ages ago.
oh yeah, Itchy is the mouse. I call the big one Bitey. Which has nothing to do with Itchy or Scratchy but Bitey just kinda fit.
The beauty of Android is you can put whatever you like where you want it and get rid of all the noise. I always delete the bloatware on my phones and customize screens to main apps, games and other shit.
Says Ben as he Cosplays as Lulu. :)
I'm loving this new playthrough but then at my age things that happened yesterday are new to me and I only need one book.
Blitzball sucks! end of.
Ok guys, I don't remember this from my PS2 game lo so many years ago but I cannot for the life of me how to make a team member defend so that I can defer action to the next person. It says to press the left directional button but that does fuck all unless you have overdrive available.
Also how do I switch magic to hit all enemies/allies?
I've managed to make it past the Chocobo Eater. That battle was a yawn since Lulu was too powerful for it but I'm obviously way behind.