I'm clinically "mentally ill" but violent videogames never turned me into a killer. I thought reading that may help lay some stereotypes to rest for the rest of you.
What's odd in my experience is "over counter pharmaceuticals" like depakote,paxil,eskalith,lithium,and geodon impaired my judgement and made me more violent and manic. Moral of the story? Be careful with drug cocktails,kids! Even "legal medications" can mess you up!
After experimenting with "mental health drugs" I went back to my oath of being straight edge and solving my problems the old fashioned way. (Y'know, by admitting to them and working on solutions other than drowning myself in a bunch of pills) Needless to say, both my physical and emotional well being improved after that!
As for Kotaku, don't get me started. Jezebel is just as bad if not worse. Not all fringes of feminism are gawd awful but there are a lot of "pseudo white knight sensationalist writers" who flaunt their feminism and like it's a trend in style. I can taste the stomach bile in my mouth just thinking about it!