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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 35

Community Poll #34

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 08:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That would be the bomb. Love that game.Laughing

Community Poll #34

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 08:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hells Yeah! The most underrated game in the series for sure. I don't know about a sequel but a remake would be awsome.

Chris Hanson Pedo-bear edition! Pedo-scare time!

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 08:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I did not start college until I was 26, so I had 8-9 years on most of my fellow students. Initialy it was awsome, but I realized real quick just how much more mature I had gotten since I was 18. I just could not relate. I did date a 19 year old during the second semester but it did not last for more than a month.

This can be a very tricky topic because in a lot of ways it comes down to culture. Just like you mentioned in terms of time periods, what we percieve as an adult is not black and white. Whats funny is when we have our Mardi Gras parades down here, there will be dance teams from the junior highs. We're talking girls ranging from 13 to 15 doing these very erotic dances, and it is uncompforatble to watch. The  high school dance teams are just as provative, but at least they are older. Still this is a huge divergence between real people and fictional characters. I have some hentai and I think its funny that even though it an animation there is still a disclaimer stating all the characters are I think in some ways it is good that teens are sheltered a bit more today yet I think too many are over sheltered and spoiled.

This generation in gaming idiocy!: A mirthful look back!

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 07:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Its also just another group of extremists which do nothing but stir shit up. And your right, it does kill their credibility with everyone but their most loyel followers. But its funny because I remember when all this hit 1up a couple years back. I was intrigued until I started reading the stories and it was l put off by the shaming and very oneside veiw  of what to consider as mysogony in games. And it just snowballed from there, yet you don't see these people attacking hip hop video makers or hell porn for that matter. Why? Because those people are scary and not to be fucked with. But these techies are just nerds, they won't put up a fight, lets bash their shit.  Thats my theory

Decisions Decisions

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 07:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly I am probably way to harsh on that game, its not a bad game, although it had some issues. Mostly I just feel like it lacks that old school Final Fantasy "feeling". I have not played it in over a decade so I should maybe give it another shot.Smile

Decisions Decisions

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 10:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Personaly I'm not a fan of digital, but I do have my share of stuff from PSN. I would probably wait, but then again I'm not a big fan of FFX,lol.

This generation in gaming idiocy!: A mirthful look back!

Posted on 03/25/2014 at 10:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sadly we live in an age of thin skinned cry babies. Now I know some people would twist what I just said and claim I condone bullying. A lot of your examples fit that bill. They twist and exagerate. My point is these "journalist" are making mountains out of mole hills. There is always going to be something that offends someone. People need to get their priorities right, there are much more serious issues to be getting upset about than erotisism in art.

Blog #16

Posted on 03/22/2014 at 02:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

They truly suck. I had one before about 6 years ago. This one is much worse. But I'll survive.Laughing

Blog #16

Posted on 03/21/2014 at 08:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bouncing between Skyrim and Borderlands 2. Getting over a kidney stone so been playing Borderlands more, less thinking & more action which is good. Its too tough to play Skyrim on pain meds,lol. Tough much planning and stuff. 

Last good comic read for me was Wolverine: Old Man Logan. Got the first few trades a fews years back. Then I found the whole book on Amazon. A super dark and gritty revenge story with some serious WTF moments.

Couldn't help it, had to play a bit of Tales of Symphonia

Posted on 03/21/2014 at 08:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I remember Symphonia 2 getting mixed reveiws, thats why I was gonna wait and see if it drops in price $10 in the next month or so. Still looking at getting Dishonored GOTY which might trump Symphonia for the meantime. Its only $29.Money Mouth

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