Ah fair enough. That's a bit shit. I'm gonna wait for this one too, especially since Splinter Cell and Saints Row coming out on the same day. They kinda sent this one out to die.
Ah fair enough. That's a bit shit. I'm gonna wait for this one too, especially since Splinter Cell and Saints Row coming out on the same day. They kinda sent this one out to die.
They aren't really deep or complex but they're there. And fair enough. I just meant that I have a decently powerful pc, The Sims shouldn't take 5 minutes to load lol.
No, I know how you got the kids! How the hell do you keep up with them?
Have never heard of the last window: Secret cape of the west. Any good?
So the story sucks but the gameplay is awesome? I have no qualms then. It's XCOM, those expecting a masterpiece in the story department are fools.
Sounds great! Now if only they could stop aliens shooting through walls!
Damn. 5 kids. How the hell do you do it?
Ok, we had home and content insurance worth $70,000. The stuff we lost was worth around $100,000. That was our oversight. That meant I sacrificed my gaming collection to buy another guitar. Hell, I don't even own a console anymore. Or have a bedroom at home. But eh.
I didn't pirate every game. Just a few that I couldn't live without. I'm sorry if in your eyes that makes me a bad person, but frankly I don't give a shit. I am not paying another $100 for games I have already paid $100 for.
Crusader Kings has a really long tutorial, it kind of has to though. There is a lot going on in those games. I suggest watching a tutorial on youtube, that helped me a lot. And yeah, Guacamelee is supposed to be awesome for vita.
I'd call them more Zelda-Like's than anything, and you're right. However this does have stats and inventory.
Th Sims 3 doesn't have interactions as complex as crusader kings. Also, they aren't really that complex, they're just different to most games.