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Super Step's Comments - Page 347

Yooka-Laylee Rap. Get Down, Get Back Up Again!

Posted on 04/03/2017 at 03:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm getting it on PS4 as long as it's not a Might No. 9 debacle.

The Mini-Games of 1-2-Switch

Posted on 04/03/2017 at 03:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Is it worth it? Hell no. Should have been a pack in. 

The one I've heard the most about is the cow milking and I agree with your brothers, it makes me uncomfortable. lol

I didn't know the Quick Draw game was actually accurate. That's cool. 

I WANt to check out that 3D rumble in ball count. Sounds neat. 

Can't you hear the rumble well enough to tell what someone has in Sneaky Dice? Those motors can be pretty loud if you're paying attention. 

Signal Flags is sexist. Soda Shake is a participation trophy sim. Shaving Contest is a body shaming simulator. I'm sending Nintendo an email. Strongly worded. 

Runway sounds like a fun game for a party. I could see people doing parties with Madonna's Vogue in the background set to that game. Why do I feel we're about to see a lot of Let's Plays of that featuring men in dresses? I know why! 

I kid, but I honestly would like to play this ... intoxicated. 

Quick Hits: Chris Rambles

Posted on 04/02/2017 at 01:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Let me know what you think of Blazblue and Guilty Gear. I love Arc Systems fighters.

So I'm at level 27 today

Posted on 04/02/2017 at 10:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy birthday! I turned the same age roughly 2 weeks ago.

The OU campus gets invaded by ghosts

Posted on 04/02/2017 at 10:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't know you could do that with google Maps. Cool!

More Halo Progress and Kingdom Hearts HD

Posted on 04/01/2017 at 11:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I honestly don't mind rings. Hell i do rings with superman in Lego Batman and am fine with it. It's really just how badly superman 64 messed it up.

I got stuck in the OG KH game when I rented it.

Episode 109: Can't Hardly Wait For '98

Posted on 04/01/2017 at 06:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

There's enough tekken already out there so i agree. I'm wondering how many on the podcast played it recently. It got solid reviews, so i stand by my solid fighter comment no matter what Angelo says. Lol

Episode 109: Can't Hardly Wait For '98

Posted on 04/01/2017 at 04:19 PM | Filed Under Feature

Stage select:

Gerudo Valley is a damn catchy theme and stands out because of the Spanish guitar ( which makes it the only Zelda theme I learned to play on guitar ... Well ok, that might not be true, but I definitely played it more than others) and horns. I can listen to this on a sunny day whether the game is popped in or not. Almost makes Ganondorf sound like a Colombian drug Lord from a movie ... No one call me out on not being sure what exact nationality to associate the sound with.

Kokiri Forest has a couple instruments that annoy me, but I love how relaxing it is. Because it's the first area, it also reminds me of reading The Hobbit and thinking when Gandalf comes to take Bilbo on an adventure that I want him to go away. Fuck off old man, the hobbit life of living in a green country side, eating everything and laying back is amazing. To hell with adventure! Sometimes I want to just stay in these opening areas and enjoy the company of the NPCs. LIKE a HARVEST Moon Zelda. I think. Never played those. I'd be more interested in the social interactions than the farming upkeep though.

Finally i know clock town in majoras mask is technically three themes, but I'll cheat and just choose the theme in general. It manages to have the feel of both Kokiri Forest like starting areas with its upbeat charm, but later parts of it reveal the sinister undertone ( overtones?) of the game.

And that's what this list looks like when you ask someone who plays no RPGs. Even in this case, I'd argue Zelda is more accurately classified as as an action adventure game. Especially in my case, where I don't project myself on to Link and still see LINK no matter what I name the character. 

Episode 109: Can't Hardly Wait For '98

Posted on 04/01/2017 at 03:29 PM | Filed Under Feature

Chrono Crossing for me is Star Fox 64. I've said it's my favorite game ever but ... Honestly, that's not true. It's my strongest positive nostalgic gaming memory. I'm honestly not sure what my "favorite" game is.

Anyway, I received it with my N64 this year for Christmas. This was one of the first 3D games that wowed me with its graphics. I loved the futuristic look of Corneria and the water effects.

It was also used to promote the rumble feature and I have a vivid memory of a commercial I can never find, where a kid's room caves in while playing the game. The only ad I find on YouTube is one where a kid plays in like a reddish lab, and I have zero memory of that one ... And I even recall wanting to get SF64 partly because of the apparently nonexistent ad I'm thinking of. That and watching some relatives play it.

The fact I didn't get an N64 until this year partly explains why Mario 64 doesn't tickle my brain hole like it does other gamers. I remember playing Tomb Raider and Tekken demos at kiosks and my brother had a PSX, but I completely missed the mario hype to the point I thought Star Fox was an N64 launch title in lieu of mario. I didn't play mario until much later via rentals.

As for the game itself, it's a fun rail shooter with branching paths I didn't even fully realize were there as a kid and memorable characters (if sometimes memorable in a negative way). Even though it's my pick, I think it might be a bit overrated, but it still means a lot to me. Also, I prefer this style of game, where there's relatively little content but it's hugely replayable, to the fetch quest stuffed trophy/achievement oriented open world games of today ... I say after playing lego Batman 3 right before typing this.

Episode 109: Can't Hardly Wait For '98

Posted on 04/01/2017 at 03:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

At least someone appreciated it. Lol At first I was wondering if it was a fighting game one of the neighbors relatives worked on and we played a rough copy of (really wish i knew what it was; i believe id's unreleased). 

To Julian's point about Tekken 3 vs. Fighters Destiny, I'd honestly have to play them again, but at the time I loved the ring outs in Fighters Destiny and played it more in '98. Remember, I based my list on what I liked then, rather than necessarily what I like now, though I'd argue most of my picks hold up.

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