i know right? he talks waaaaay too much too
i know right? he talks waaaaay too much too
Not as busy as I'd like.
I've just been doing what I can to fill the hours. I've been out of work for too long, and am anxious to start again...even if it's not the industrial field. I enjoy working with people though, so it'll be interesting to see how I fair in the retail/restaurant sector for the time being.
He's referencing Ron Burgundy
Good stuff. Glad your shit is finally coming together. I've been in a slump lately myself...I know how it is.
Sucks about you having to quite Plus10...but perhaps you're on to bigger and better things.
Not everyone has a gamer for a friend? Sad.
It's a sad, sad world we live in lol
I made it past Belial and then took the game back...I'll finish in the future for sure
the run up to that boss is fucken EVIL, Sonic. I've been so used to steamrolling the other bosses in the game (save the Pursuer, and the bosses in the DLC) that I've seemingly balked when a challenge has been presented. I'll get it eventually!
Fuck a review. Most game review scores are meaningless.
I'll play a game myself, or ask a buddy who has played the game what he thought of it.
it's already out - Shadow Of Mordor.