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BrokenH's Comments - Page 353

Outsider looking in perspective:

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 05:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Someone can have an opinion on anything,Chris. I wouldn't call my opinion "educated" but it's how I feel. However, are you saying that a gamer cannot have a "hypothesis"? For example, I researched RE 6 before buying it and decided to buy it because I liked what I saw. After playing it my conclusion was it was a good action game but a lackluster horror game. That's more or less what I predicted going in.

I believe it is possible to get "the vibe" of a game before even touching it. However, this will be one of those games I will probably have more criticisms for "after" it's beaten. I hesitate to call any game "perfect".

I didn't mean to come off as "salty', I'm just someone who was mostly disinterested in TR up until this point. (Which got me interested again) However, I did like Anniversary and Guardian Of The Light. Matter of fact, after I played those games I felt rather content I had experienced TR at its' peak.

Years ago a friend got me to play a little bit of TombRaider 2 but it didn't really do much for me. I dunno, I just couldn't "dig it" as much as other strong contenders such as Parasite Eve, Resident Evil 2, and Xenogears.

I know there was one other TR for the 360 & PS3. Was it any good? Would you suggest it over this one perhaps? Just curious!

Whats the scariest game you ever played??

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 05:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Fatal Frame 2 is a good choice for "scariest game". Silent Hill was the first game that scared me beyond a few "jump scares". It leaves its' mark on me to this very day.

Outsider looking in perspective:

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 03:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"Lara's old look" kind of alienated me too. The movies with Angelina Jolie probably didn't help my stance either. Nothing against Angelina personally, I just think someone else would have made for a better Lara. (Then again, it's difficult to add more depth  to a heroine who at the time did not have as much depth)

The games TR: Anniversary and Guardian Of The Light are what made me take notice. (I also owned the WitchBlade/Tomb-Raider cross over comic)

Outsider looking in perspective:

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 03:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

No Chris, many gamers are divided on how they feel about the game. Look man, I already described in my blog how her jump from being shaken over killing her first human being to becoming a bad ass was unrealistic. I'm not denying that. However, at least an attempt was made to make her "more human" and in my opinion it was not entirely unsuccessful. (And there have been other games that show vulnerability in cutscenes yet go back to the characters being bullet sponge super assassins so I at least have some experience with that. Heck, even the Metal Gear franchise does that yet it gets paraded as one of the top franchises of all time.)

 Personally, I don't get your piss & vinegar towards this game. Tombraider has always been about Lara being tough & resourceful. It would have been awkward if she spent the whole game shaken up, defenseless, and psychologically unstable. No one thinks this new TR "reinvented the wheel" but some of us are taken in with Lara's new portrayal and think she's just a little bit more relatable now. Yes, she's still a super killer when it comes to game-play but this is a franchise where "shooting things" was always a prime requisite in the first place. (Along with exploring,platforming, and puzzle solving)

   I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree,Chris. I'll be sure to tell you my opinion when I finally buy & beat the game but knowing my tastes I'm sure I'll enjoy it. (Just as I enjoyed RE6 despite its' faults.)

If you want to play "classic Tomb-Raider" no one is stopping you. And if you think I'm "less of a gamer" for finding the new direction more pleasing I'm sorry you feel that way. What can I say? Sometimes I like a mainstream game more than an indie game but other times I prefer an indie game over a mainstream game. (Or I prefer a new game in a long running franchise over its' predecessors) I reserve my right to be diversified! I'm not 100% indie, 100% retro, or 100% mainstream. I'm an eclectic mix up of all of them! Put simply, I game to have fun,man! I'm not trying to be an elite V.I.P or anything.

Outsider looking in perspective:

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 02:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wouldn't mind another Guardian Of The Light game. It added a layer of complexity and team-work to the usual isometric dungeon hack formula. The puzzles in it were also a good balance of "challenging but not frustrating".

Outsider looking in perspective:

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 02:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree the "In over their heads" theme isn't in itself original,Joe. lol. However, it's a good premise for characters that always seem to be "the best of the best". At least with Lara, it makes me more sympathetic to her plight when she's just starting out at tomb raiding & she isn't a cocky over confident female version of Indiana Jones. It's okay if that's where she eventually ends up but noone starts life being a perfect super hero. Even folks like Spider-man or Bat-man worked up to that point & made plenty of mistakes along the way.

John Riccitiello is gone!!

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 02:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's kind of sad. Aka, this person seemed to start out with the best intentions but time spent in the "corporate machine" might have changed him or clouded his better judgement. Maybe this can be a learning experience for the guy?

It's the little details that makes a difference

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 08:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The game does look beautiful. I still don't understand people that commplain about "wii graphics" but I'm not much of a graphics whore to begin with. The scene of the characters crossing the bridge is especially stunning!

3 Things Uncharted Can Learn From Tomb Raider

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 08:36 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm actually not against puzzles and platforming. Asking for those things is not unreasonable at all. Yet I do think it's unreasonable to take away Lara's guns or completely take away the ability for her to fight back.

I will agree large numbers of spawning enemies seems redundant. I would prefer fewer enemies with more intelligent ai or a much more menancing pressence. I'm admittedly tired of "horde wave styled gameplay". It always seems like the more thugs there are the more "stupid" they are.

PS: I apologize for coming off as so offensive. I did get a tad hot under the collar here. lol. It's just everyone clamoring for less violence seems to kind of miss the points of the franchise. True, TR isn't just about shooting goons and dangerous wild-life but that is at least one of the three main essentials to the formula.

Sarkeesian The Damsel?

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 08:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Damn it Scotty, why NOW?!!!

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