Well I can certainly commiserate with the car problems except that yours seems worse than mine.
Positive thoughts to your mum okay?
I really need to finish all the Sam and Max episodes I have. I love the humour in those games.
Well I can certainly commiserate with the car problems except that yours seems worse than mine.
Positive thoughts to your mum okay?
I really need to finish all the Sam and Max episodes I have. I love the humour in those games.
I will not buy this Apple Scam
I will not buy it Chris-I-Am.
Great minds think alike Chris. OK, except for the iDevices thing but I'm willing to let that slide. :)
I'll probably end up with an S5 at some point but if I do it will only be to get the watch thingy for $50 and I'm not even sure I want that.
My S4 is the nicest phone I've ever owned and the fact that I can download from anywhere I want and the level of customization you get with Android keeps me happy,
Chris, Chris, Chris. I am disappoint that you stay with tiny girly phone and not at least an S4. LOL j/k
Seriously I'd go blind staring at that little screen plus Apple's our way or the highway OS gives me hives.
But did she let you meet the Royals with her?
I've finished all the DS Laytons except for Curious Village. I put a lot of hours into that game and for no particular reason just quit.
I still have Miracle Mask to play and then I'll pick up Azran.
I find puzzle solving relaxing but what to you expect from an IT guy. :D
'bout fekkin' time Blake. I shall be listening to these except for the QotSA because I know all the songs on that album and I completely agree that it's brilliant! Josh and Dave together again, how could it not be. :)
You can pick the control option of your choice. Here's a quote:
"Mario Kart 8 supports a range of control schemes including the Wii U Pro Controller, the Wii Wheel, the Wii U GamePad, and Wiimote and Nunchuk. The game can also be played in off-TV mode using the GamePad."
Other than Crash Team Racing, the two recent Sonic kart racers and to a lesser extent Little Big Planet Karting, Mario Kart is the only kind of racing I enjoy.
My wife who gave up gaming years ago got right back into Mario Kart Wii when it came out and I have fond memories of playing Mario Kart 64 with her and the kids.