A game that plays itself might as well be a movie rental. lol.
A game that plays itself might as well be a movie rental. lol.
I don't expect most action platformers to have the deepest narrative/character development but I'll appreciate any attempt at it, Chris!
However, I will say Alice: Madness Returns surprised me both with its' challenge and its' narrative. Yeah, it's based on what is already a cliched theme (How many variations do we need of Alice's trip to Wonderland?) but it was at least a fascinating interpretation of the material.
Regardless, it'll be a bit before I snag it, probably. I'm too miserly with my money to buy games at their full price anymore unless I know without the shadow of a doubt they're going to leave some sort of lasting impression on me. (Okay, I bought Warriors Of Orochi 3 at full price! There's something I love about those types of hack n slash games that fills me with self loathing! What is wrong with me?!)
I agree. The biggest problem with the trope is it is tired and uninteresting, Chris. I think the 80's and 90's totally burnt me out on the captive girlfriend angle.
I prefer the "tomboy trope" or the "action-girl trope" personally. It's not wrong for a character to be a trope on the surface so long as they have more complex layers underneath.
However, I think I'll be waiting a little while longer before video-games evolve in the story telling department as much as a good book! (I'm still somewhat of a literature snob)
Either it needs a fix or I changed some sort of weird preference on my blog,Travis!
I wish more Jrpgs would get "crude & randy" with the dialogue. lol. Kevin Smith should direct Magic Knight Rayearth should it ever become a movie!
Yeah, PTCF made Painkiller and it's one of my favorite shooters of all time. They have potential. Besides, Baird could grow on me like Deadpool did. At first I thought Pooly was a Spiderman ripoff who used cruder jokes but as I stayed with him I got to love him! (I swear it was in a non homoerotic way. Though Deadpool has a fine asss. Mmmmm! Mmmmm! See? I objectify both genders equally!)
I love women with monstrous upper torsos. Haters gonna hate!
I don't understand the obsession developers have with QTEs. (Do QTEs give good head under the table?) I can forgive them but it doesn't mean I want them there.
No doubt TombRaider has its' issues but it's difficult for me to fathom how its' plot and character development can be more ridiculous than RE 6. At least it seems to be trying a bit harder in certain areas than other games of its' ilk.
Chris, I just got done going through RE 6, okay? If we want to talk about the "cheesy writing trying too hard to be serious" award, RE 6 beats Tombraider by several hundred miles! Tombraider probably is not a perfect jewel but it does seem better than what I usually get. At least there's "improvement" on some level even though it hasn't reached its' peak yet. Give it time,yo!
Baird always seemed like "the dick" in the group. lol. Certainly dicks can be endearing in their own special way but for now I'm just not that interested in the guy.