Posted on 03/14/2017 at 09:24 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I've never really seen that much Ben Foster. Only one I've seen on imdb is x-men and he's barely in that as Angel. He's great in hohw though.
I only know Pine from ST as well. I like him. I was trying to figure out why he looked familiar since he spends the movie looking dirty. Lol
I don't love what Mel Gibson said, but it's been long enough maybe he changed his heart i dunno. I thought it was a good movie. Roman Polanski is the Hollywood story I can't really forgive, assuming I have the details right. I still watched Rosemary's Baby though. Bit overhyped for me, but everything that old considered the greatest of some genre ends up disappointing me not by being bad but by being damned from hype and the fact similar movies have come since.
Oh I want to see Hidden Figures and I agree I think we should have more non whitewashed history in schools ( unfortunately my state is responsible for a lot of that since we sell the most textbooks), but to me it looks like every based on a true story sports movie about racism, only with NASA and not sports. Lol i did like 42 a lot though and I'm betting it's the same style film.
Well Fences IS a play; in fact Denzel and Viola did renditions of the play on Broadway before the movie and James Earl Jones played the dad in some old renditions. So that is why it looks like a play. Lol
I have not seen Tangerine, but it sounds interesting. I knew there was a movie filmed with iPhone, but didn't know it was that one. You know which iPhone? I told a student iPhones were fine as long as they used a tripod, but said no to GoPros cause of the fish eye lens being in every shot if you used that.
I just know those allegations exist. As long as they remain allegations, I'm ok. If it turns out they're true, I'll still like the movie but it will be tainted viewings.
I like musicals fine; particularly when they're animated Disney. Lol but i honestly haven't heard much from la la land. I was just pissed my oscar ballot was off because i chose that movies other nominated song not realizing there were two. Haha
A student told me i was no longer allowed to teach my multimedia class cause i hadn't seen mary poppins. Or Sound of music though i think i have seen most of that one just not all at once. And i do know mary poppins songs/scenes.