How very 80s.
How very 80s.
I might eventually pick it up on Steam, since I did buy Sonic 3 realizing it was not on my Genesis Mini. And I understood that decision, since the Michael Jackson soundtrack is probably too expensive to license or something, but I will never understand the decision to put the worst version of Virtua Fighter 2 *on* the Genesis Mini.
"feels like an MMO but without all the grind from a MMO"
Ooohhh ... and I agree, the art style looks good.
The only time I have bought a game more than once is when my Steam copy is a pain to get to so I just get it on PS4 anyway.
Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime is definitely super high on the list. The atmosphere is amazing.
Otherwise, I don't really like ice levels all that much, so that's my list.
I played way more Area 51 and definitely consider it more of a staple of my Cici's Pizza experience, so that.
I want to play for the sheer ridiculousness. The sprites don't look half bad.
And yeah, I've seen some videos posted to Tik Tok on my Facebook feed of people who have pipes bursting where their ceilings are literally falling down and everything is flooded. It's hell.
Or, just kinda aimlessly float on a raft, like most videos I've seen of the game.
Not the game itself, the music. I think they both have some pretty great music.
Those all look interesting. Good picks.